memnuniyetsizim / ansible-lemp

ansible lemp with php 7.1.12 with xdebug

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Centos7 Ansible PHP Playbook Install and Configuration

You can clone this repository and run vagrant up to start machine with provisioning.

Box & installation info:

  • Centos 7
  • Php 7.1.12
  • Nginx 1.12
  • Shared folder path /var/www to /var/www`
  • Vhosts file creator in ansible/roles/nginx/tasks/nginx-vhosts.yml
  • IP:

You can change shared folder path in Vagrantfile

If you add a vhost template or new vhost task in nginx-vhosts.yml please commit it.

In playbook.yml there're two lines commented out, these are for manual provisioning. If you want another zero configured machine to provisioned, you can follow below steps and uncomment below lines to run it.

#- hosts: '{{ server.hostname }}'
#  remote_user: '{{ server.remote_user }}'

- hosts: 'all'
  • Add below configuration to connect your vagrant machine from anywhere
# vim ~/.ssh/config

// Add
Host vagrant-centos7
    Port 22
    User vagrant
    IdentityFile VAGRANTBOX_INSTALLED_PATH/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
  • Use vagrant user for connections

  • Generate ~/.ansible/hosts file and add host list ( IP or /etc/hosts domain)

  • Run ansible all -m ping and check response for connection.

Output sample:

vagrant-centos7 | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
NOTE: you can check connection with ansible all -a "ls -laht ~" it must give you a list of files of your home directory
  • Enter the ansible directory and run ansible-playbook playbook.yml and provisions will be started


ansible lemp with php 7.1.12 with xdebug