melt-umn / ableC-dep-skeleton

Sample skeleton extension for ableC that depends on another extension, an example for extension developers

Repository from Github https://github.commelt-umn/ableC-dep-skeletonRepository from Github https://github.commelt-umn/ableC-dep-skeleton

A very simple 'skeleton' extension that depends on another extension

This sample extension exemplifies an organization that some might find useful in writing language extensions for ableC.

This extension depends on the ableC-lib-skeleton extension, expecting it to be checked out in the same parent directory as this extension.

The grammars directory contains all the Silver source of the language extension.

The examples directory demonstrates how to create an ableC compiler using the extension and some sample programs using that extension. This directory contains a script that can be used to compile and run the examples.

The tests directory contains some positive and negative tests of various features of the extension.

Header files containing definitions used by the extension are placed in the include directory.

At the top level, a Makefile is provided to allow examples, modular analyses, and tests to be easily built by running make.

Extension designers are of course free to organize files as they choose. This is simply an example that works well for us.


Sample skeleton extension for ableC that depends on another extension, an example for extension developers

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:SystemVerilog 53.6%Language:Makefile 31.6%Language:XC 14.8%