melodypapa / py-tresos

Python script for EB Tresos Studio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1. py-tresos

1.1. Introduce

The utility is the python script supporting tool for EB Tresos Studio

1.1.1. How to create the distribution and upload to pypi

  1. Run python bdist_wheel to generate distribution
  2. Run twine check dist/* to check the validation of distribution
  3. Run twine upload dist/* to upload to pypi repository
  4. Check the website to find out it works or not

And more details can be found at

1.1.2. Unit test

Run pip install pytest pytest-cov to install pytest.

Run pytest --cov=py_tresos --cov-report term-missing to verify all the functionality.

1.1.3. How to create the document

  1. Run pip install sphinx to install the necessary document

1.2. eb-plugin

To Create the java project for the EB Tresos Studio Plugin.

1.2.1. TOML configuration

Category Key Description
component name the plugin name
author the author's name of the plugin
company the company owner for the plugin
version the version of the plugin
ar_version the AUTOSAR version of the plugin
vendor_id the vender Id for the plugin
ar_package the root package for the ARXML
header_files the header file name list for the plugin
source_files the source file name list for the plugin
gen_header_files the generated head file name list for the plugin
gen_source_files the generate source file name list for the plugin
tresos_root the root path for the EB Tresos Studios
template source_file the template name for the source file
header_file the template name for the header file

1.2.2. TOML configuration example

name       = "Plugin_Demo"
author     = "Your Name"
company    = "Your Company"
version    = "1.0.0"
ar_version = "4.0.3"
vendor_id  = "0x0008"
ar_package = "ARRoot"

header_files = [

source_files = [

gen_header_files = [

gen_source_files = [

tresos_root = "X:/tresos"

source_file = ""
header_file = ""

1.2.3. CLI

eb-plugin [-c|--cfg name][-h|-help]

-c|--cfg name : The TOML configure file name
-h            : Show the help information.

1.2.4. Example

Generate the default folder for Plugin Demo

eb-plugin -c toml/plugin_demo.toml

1.3. eb-xpath

To Create the java project for the EB Tresos Studio XPath Plugin.

1.3.1. TOML configuration

Category Key Description
component name the plugin name
author the author's name of the plugin
company the company owner for the plugin
version the version of the plugin
ar_version the AUTOSAR version of the plugin
java package the java package name for the plugin
class the java class name for the plugin

1.3.2. TOML configuration example

name       =   "XPath_Demo"
author     =   "Your Name"
company    =   "Your name"
version    =   "1.0.0"
ar_version =   "4.0.3"

package    =   "org.ecliipse.sdv"
class      =   "xpath_demo"

1.3.3. CLI

eb-xpath [-c|--cfg name][-h|-help]

-c|--cfg name : The TOML configure file name
-h            : Show the help information.

1.3.4. Example

Generate the default folder for XPath demo

eb-plugin -c toml/xpath_demo.toml

1.4. Change notes


  1. The ARXML template can be customized.


  1. Add the supporting to create XPath Plugin.


Python script for EB Tresos Studio

License:MIT License


Language:Smarty 59.3%Language:Python 39.1%Language:Makefile 1.6%