melindash / FastAPI

Fast API for Magento

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Gearx Fast API for Magento

This module aims to provide fast API methods for keeping basic product data in sync between Magento and an inventory control or ERP system. The same SOAP or XML-RPC endpoints as the default Magento API are used, but the methods themselves handle large numbers of records much more efficiently. If you are unfamiliar with the Magento API, have a look at the documentation first:

Warning & Disclaimer

While these methods do some basic validation, not all bases are covered. I'm aiming to make them fast, not necessarily foolproof. Use at your own risk, and test everything in a staging environment first.

Method: gxproduct.update

An alternative to the default product.update method that accepts multiple products instead of just one.

Example PHP Usage:
$client = new SoapClient('');
$session  = $client->login(api_user, api_key);

$product_data = array( ... );
$response = $client->call($session, 'gxproduct.update', [ $product_data ];

$field_map_code = 'example';
$response = $client->call($session, 'gxproduct.update', [ $product_data, $fieldmap_code ];

Argument1: product_data - array

Associative array with skus as keys and arrays of fields to update as values. Example:

$product_data = [
    'sku1' => [
        'attribute_code_1' => 'Attribute Value 1',
        'attribute_code_2' => 'Attribute Value 2'
    'sku2' => [
        'attribute_code_1' => 'Attribute Value 1',
        'attribute_code_2' => 'Attribute Value 2'
$product_data = [
    '55A47-001' => [
        'price' => 99.95,
        'qty' => 14
    '55A47-002' => [
        'price' => 99.95,
        'qty' => 19

Argument2: fieldmap_code - string (optional)

This argument may be optionally included to specify a field mapping. To define a field mapping, make a copy of app/code/community/Gearx/FastApi/etc/fieldmap.xml.example and rename it fieldmap.xml. Then replace the <example> node with the field map code you'd like to use and define the mapped fields as sub-nodes like this:

    <external_field_1> magento_field_1 </external_field_1>
    <external_field_2> magento_field_2 </external_field_2>

To use a field mapping with the update method, pass it's code as the second argument.

Response - array

The update method returns an array containing the following:

Key Value Condition
status (string) Status message always returned
fieldmap (array) of the fieldmap used if fieldmap used
errors (array) of error messages if errors occurred

Method: gxproduct.checkSkus

This method takes an array of skus and returns an associative array with the skus as keys and their product types (simple, configurable, grouped, etc) as values, or a FALSE value for skus that don't exist in Magento.

Argument1: skus - array

$skus = [ 'sku1', 'sku2', 'sku3', 'sku4' ];

Response - array

$skus = [
    'sku1' => 'simple',
    'sku2' => 'simple',
    'sku3' =>  false, 
    'sku4' => 'configurable'


To try things out, modify the tester.php file along with the included small csv files exported from a Magento demo store with sample data.


By default the indexes will be rebuilt as part of the update api call. This slows things down though. If you don't need the updates to be immediately reflected on the front end and you are rebuilding indexes on a schedule or are using Magento Enterprise, then this is unnecessary. There is a setting at System > Configuration > Magento Core API > Gearx FastAPI which you can turn off to speed things up.


Fast API for Magento

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%