It is the extended version of the Laravel Rate Limiting class. Removes limitations on search engine bots.
100% Detects fake bots. Detects real bots with IP and Reverse DNS queries. It supports IPv4 and IPv6.
Default supported Search Engine Bots;
Google, Bing, Msn, Yandex, Yahoo, Baidu, Petalbot
- Checks whether the User-Agent information belongs to the search engine.
- Performs DNS Lookup check from IP address.
- It confirms that it is a real search engine bot by doing a reverse DNS query.
- If it is a allowed bot, it will whitelist the IPv4/Ipv6 address.
- It also limits the last block of the requesting visitor's IP address (1.1.1.x). It blocks requests and attacks from the same block.
- Other visitors can enter the site within the limits you specify.
Available for API or Web. In API usage, it returns over-limit information in json format.
{'status':429, 'message':'Too Many Requests!'}
It is an extended version of the Laravel Rate Limiter class. There is no extra requirement.
Caching: Laravel Cache
Rate Limit: Laravel RateLimiter
Ip Lookup: gethostbyaddr()
Reverse DNS Lookup: dns_get_record()
composer require melikceran/laravel-ratelimit-advanced
To publish the configuration file; (config/ratelimit.php)
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ratelimit
Specify how many requests per minute visitors can make.
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
For real-time querying without using cache;
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');