melchor629 / speedy

Utility for gateways/routers to collect network speed stats from everyone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Utility for gateways/routers to collect network speed stats from everyone

The utility for Linux that captures the traffic over a network interface and stores the network usage of every device in a time-series DB. It is written in Go and uses libpcap to grab the packets.

The data is stored using the MAC address of every client as a key (of some sort) and storing the download and upload quantity in a second. Also stores the MAC again, the last IPv4 and IPv6 used (if available). Downsampling and cleaning is up to the database implementation or up to you (or both). It is recommended to create the structure firsrt before starting to run the utility.


Having defined a GOROOT for a terminal session, you can simply do:

go get -d -v
go get -d -v
go get -d -v
go get -d -v
go run src/ #args...

You can always build the executable (cross-compiling is not available or at least not easily):

cd src/
go install -v ./...
$GOROOT/bin/speedy #args...

The utility needs a time-series database on which the data will be stored. Currently, influxdb and timescaledb are the only supported, but more it will be added.

The arguments can be seen with speedy -help. The available database implementations can be seen with speedy -help db. The available network interfaces can be seen with speedy -help device.

Usage with Docker

docker container run --rm -it --cap-add NET_RAW --cap-add NET_ADMIN --network host melchor9000/speedy:alpine speedy #args...

It is needed to use the host network mode to allow the container to list all the network interfaces, and these two Linux capabilities to have the right permissions to capture the interfaces.

Build the images

Being in the root of the repository, these commands will build the three tags available for this repo:

docker image build -t melchor9000/speedy:latest -f docker/latest/Dockerfile .
docker image build -t melchor9000/speedy:slim -f docker/slim/Dockerfile .
docker image build -t melchor9000/speedy:alpine -f docker/alpine/Dockerfile .
docker image build -t melchor9000/speedy:test -f docker/Dockerfile . #Test version, grabs the code from your PC :)

Example with influxdb, chronograf and docker-compose

You can see docker/compose/influxdb.yaml for an example. To run the example, simply execute from the root of the repo:

DEVICE=YOUR_NIC_NAME docker-compose -f docker/compose/influxdb.yaml up

The example sets a database that everyday will downsample the data into "monthly_gc"."downsampled" (where "monthly_gc" is a retention policy and "downsampled" is a measurement). Then, will store the downsampled versions for "a month" (aka 4 weeks). A chronograf will be avaiable in http://localhost:8888 for you to play with the data an visualize it.

Database implementations


The implementation stores a measure in measures with the data. Is it up to you to make retention policies and continues queries, as the way you want. Inside docker/compose/iql there's an example of a database.

This implementation stores extra information (like the IP) in measures_metadata.

timescaledb / postgresql

The implementation stores the data into the table passed by -db-name option. The -db-url has the following format postgres://USER:PASSWORD@ADDRESS/DATABASE[?...extraOptions]. See pq documentation for the full specification of the URL format. The schema and the table must be created by you, but I will let you an example down:

  time        TIMESTAMPTZ       NOT NULL, /* This one must always be there, with that name */
  mac         MACADDR           NOT NULL,
  download    BIGINT            NOT NULL,
  upload      BIGINT            NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE speedy_metadata (
  mac         MACADDR           PRIMARY KEY,
  ipv4        INET              NULL,
  ipv6        INET              NULL

SELECT create_hypertable('speedy', 'time');

CREATE INDEX ON speedy (mac, time DESC);

Note: If you don't use SSL for postgreSQL (as expected in most of the time), add sslmode=disable option in the URL to tell the go postgreSQL driver to not to use SSL.

The implementation will split the metadata (with the IPs) into a separate table. It will hold the last known data of that extra information.


Utility for gateways/routers to collect network speed stats from everyone

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 90.8%Language:Dockerfile 7.9%Language:TSQL 1.2%