mekhiya / arch911Dapp

Arch911 - Trustless & transparent custodian vault

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Arch911 - Trustless & transparent custodian vault...

Hello, this is Nitin

And this is my Ethernal hackathon submission

Project Arch911

In business world there are situations where to get in to some deal, you have to proove that you have sufficient funds.

There are Custodian companies which take care of your assets. These custodians give you certificate for your deposits.

Arch911 is a smart Contract, which allows you to create such deposits.

Arch911 enables you to proove that you have sufficient ETH with yourself.

[What Problems Does Arch911 Solve : ]

Arch911 is Trust-less:

Usual custodians availabel in real world are some kind of Financial insitutions. You have to trust these institutes with your assets.

With Arch911, we use Smart Contact which acts like vault.

This is a trust-less Custodian.


There are two players/users who work with Arch911 Depositors - who deposit funds. Watchers - anyone can create watch on any deposit. These Watchers get alerts if there is a withdrawal request.

[How Does Arch911 work ]

Create Deposit:

Anyone can create deposit. Arch911 is Custodian like vault that holds and protects your asset. You can keep deposit for as long as you want.

deposit amount minimum 0.01 ETH

Create Watch:

Anyone can create watch on top of any deposits by paying 0.000911 ETH. Once the depositor(owner of deposit) submits request to withdraw, 0.0000911 ETH is sent to all watchers to alert them.

Withdrawal process:

Two things happens :

  • all wacthers get alerts (0.000091 ETH sent to wacthers)
  • a locking period of 9 days is applied on deposit.

Only after 9 days depositor can come back to Arch911 & withdraw deposited funds. When final withdraw happens, again 0.0000911 ETH is sent to all watchers as an alert.

[Tech USED & Bounty/Sponsor Partners:]

Full Stack DAPP built using following: Solidity Hardhat React + ether.js Openzeppelin libraries

Oracle Used: Chainlink for pricefeed

Network used for testing: Ropsten testnet Polygon Test (Mumbai)

FrontEnd Hosting Partner: Spheron (decentralised cloud storage) It internally uses Arweave

Bounty partners used: Alchemy - node to connect to network Polygon - deploying smart contract Spheron - hosting frontend Chainlink - oracle for pricefeed

[Challenges faced, Assumptions & Pending features:]


  • Presently works only with ETH, other coins & networks can be added
  • Many front-end features are missing


1- For testing purpose 9 days locking period changed to 2 minutes 2- In production scenario, once Contract is deployed, Renouncing of Ownership will be done.

Challenges faced :

1- optimising storage solution in solidity 2- creating web frontend. useDapp with react app was steep learning curve.


[Why name Arch911 ?]

  • Arch stands for Archive or Vault or Locker
  • FrontEnd (Web UI) gets updated twice a day around 9 hours 11 minutes IST.
  • To create Watch on any deposit you have to spend 0.000911 ETH
  • Alerts are sent out in form of 0.0000911 ETH (1/10th of watch creation fees)
  • once depositor submits request to withdraw, there is locking period of 9 days.


Contract on Kovan

Front End (Incomplete - pending - not complete)

Youtube video

Google slides

Verified Contract on Kovan Arch911Contract deployed at: 0xE0C20f1e5015FD7DE221Bb29Dfc9aa25DA5988D0

Verified Contract on polygon-testnet 0x71B8344C45704060D44834dCb327122aC6F206E7 Custodian Vault to deposit funds and add watchers. 0.000911

  • anyone can deposit funds in Vault.
  • deposit amount + gas
  • twice everyday, at 9 hrs 11 mins dashboard is updated (through IPFS) with deposit status.
  • anyone can create watcher on any deposit by paying 0.000911 ETH.
  • if withdraw request comes on a deposit, it's watchers are sent 0.0000911
  • depositor can submit withdraw request anytime
  • after withdraw request money stays in lock for 9 days.
  • on completion of 9th day, once again alert is sent to all watchers. This time 0.0000912
  • after 9th day, money can be transferred by owner to his same account.

Future : Create a NFT like certificate which checks status regularly.

Steps & stack used :

npx create-react-app arch911

npm install ethers hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers

Smart Contract - Solidity

Ethereum development environment - Hardhat

Frontend - React

Ethereum Web Client Library - Ethers.js

Testing - chai

npx hardhat

npx hardhat compile

npx hardhat node

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_arch911.js --network localhost

npm start

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan

Hardhat project tasks:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat help

Use alchemy to launch node

Alchemy kovan

kovan Arch911Contract Contract deployed to:

npm install npm install @openzepellin/contracts

For adding dot env file

npm i @symblox/hardhat-dotenv

For adding etherscan

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan

Renamed Repo to arch911Dapp


Arch911 - Trustless & transparent custodian vault


Language:JavaScript 50.6%Language:Solidity 37.8%Language:HTML 7.3%Language:CSS 4.2%