mehmetozanguven / FlutterNotes

Including my notes about Flutter Framework

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  • To create an Flutter application $ flutter create my_new_application which will create a folder called my_new_application.
  • After running device write flutter run or in VsCode, go to debug section click start without debugging

File Structure of Flutter Application

  • .idea = Holds some configuration for android studio.
  • .vscode = Holds some configuration for visual studio.
  • android = When flutter codes compiles to android native code, it will be injected to that folder
  • build = Holds output of flutter application, generated and managed by Flutter SDK
  • ios = Some with android but ios
  • lib = where we write our dart codes
  • test = holds the test codes
  • .gitignore = for git configuration
  • .metadata = Flutter saves some information in here which it needs to build our application correctly
  • .packages = Flutter manages internal dependencies in here
  • pubspec.lock = File that is generated by pubspec.yaml file
  • pubspec.yaml = Folder where we add 3rd party packages and images, fonts


  • Widgets are components, the building blocks of our user interface
  • Widget is a special type of object:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main(){
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp();

Main method

  • void main(){} is special method where dart programming starts


  • runApp is a normal function but not written by us written by the Flutter team and it is in material.dart
  • runApp tries to take our widget tree and draw something onto screen that's based on that tree.

Data types in Dart

  • Text => Strings
  • Numbers => Integers = 2, 30 Floats/Doubles => 20.99


class Person{
  String name;
  int age;
  Person(String name, int age){ = name;
    this.age = age;
  /// shortcut of the below constructor
  Person({, this.age});

Named Parameters

  • Wrap your parameters with curly brackets { }
void main(){

void sample(name:'ozan', age:24);
void sample(age:22, name:'other');

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp();
   void sample({String name, int age}){

Default Parameters

void main(){

void sample(name:'ozan', age:24);
void sample(age:22, name:'other');

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp();
   void sample({String name='test', int age=30}){

@required annotation

void main(){

void sample(name:'ozan', age:24);
void sample(age:22, name:'other');

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp();
   void sample({@required String name, @required int age}){

Shortcut of Methods

  • If functions which only have one and exactly one expression, then it can be write as a arrow function
void() => runApp(MyApp());

Scaffold Widget

  • It has the job for creating base design structure (make ui looks like an real application)
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Text('This is text'),

Different Types of Widgets

  • Container() widget belongs to the both sides

1 - Output & Input (Visible)

  • Drawn onto the screen, "What the user sees"
  • RaisedButton(), Text(), Card()

2 - Layout & Control (Invisible)

  • Give your app structure and control how visible widgets are drawn onto the screen
  • Row(), Column(), ListView()

Column vs Row Widgets

  • If we want items below each other, then use Column()
  • If we want items next to each other, then use Row()
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                Text('The Question'),
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: null)),


class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{

  void answerQuestion(){
    print("answer chosen");
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                Text('The Question'),
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: answerQuestion())),
  • This code will gives an error, using the onPressed: answerQuestion() without paranthesis, we are saying the flutter "Hey Flutter, when you runs build() method, onPressed value of RaisedButton is the execution of the answerQuestion() method which is only print()statement.
  • However Flutter expects us a function not an print statement, therefore we should pass a pointer of that function, we can do that via removing paranthesis: RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: answerQuestion))

Anonymous Functions

  • We can archieve same result we did before in the onPressed: answerQuestion via anonmyous function. Example that above is an named function.
 Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                Text('The Question'),
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: () => print("Answer Chosen"))
  • Note: Anonymous function doesn't run immediately, if we wanted this, we would add () at the end of the anonymous function:
 Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                Text('The Question'),
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: () => print("Answer Chosen")())

Using StatelessWidget incorrectly!!!

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  var questionIndex = 0;
  void answerQuestion(){
    questionIndex = questionIndex + 1;
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
    var questions = [
      'What\'s your favorite color?',
      'What\'s your favorite animal?'
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: answerQuestion())),
  • In this peace of codes, we expect that when we press the button, our text changes to 'What's your favorite animal?'
  • But It doesn't work. Because state of the widget didn't change


  • State is data/information used by our App.
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget{
   State<StatefulWidget> createState(){
    return MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp>{
  var questionIndex = 0;
  void answerQuestion(){
   setState( () {
     questionIndex = questionIndex + 1;
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
    var questions = [
      'What\'s your favorite color?',
      'What\'s your favorite animal?'
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: answerQuestion())),

What is happening when setState() is executed?

  • setState() is a function that forces Flutter to re-render the user interface , not an entire user interface
  • It calls the build() where any state class
  • build()method re-builds its widget tree
  • Sometimes it is inefficient to re-build all widgets inside the build()method. Flutter has a mechanism for that which only redraws(re-render) necessary widgets.

Private Properties

  • To make class as private use _className
  • To make fields as private var _questionIndex
  • To make methods as private void _methodName()

How Stateless and Stateful widget's build method runs?

  • Stateless widget's build() method runs when data comes from output changes. For example, let's say we give a value in the constructor of stateless widget, when this data is changed then build()method of stateless widget will be called
  • Stateful widget's build() method runs when
class Question extends StatelessWidget{
  final String questionText;
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
      return Text(questionText);
import './Question.dart';
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget{
   State<StatefulWidget> createState(){
    return MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp>{
  var questionIndex = 0;
  void answerQuestion(){
   setState( () {
     questionIndex = questionIndex + 1;
  Widget build(BuildContext context){
    var _questionIndex = 0;
    var questions = [
      'What\'s your favorite color?',
      'What\'s your favorite animal?'
      void _answerQuestion(){
        setState( (){
          _questionIndex = _questionIndex + 1;
      return MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text("My First App'),),
          body: Column(
              children: [
                RaisedButton(child: Text("Answer 1"), onPressed: _answerQuestion)),
  • In this example, when button pressed, because of outer data change in the build() of MyAppState class, stateless widget Question(...)'s build() method will call.

  • Besides that, questionText property inside the stateless widget could be changes internally (inside Questionclass itself). However this change doesn't affect the user interface, because build() method of Question class doesn't run. Therefore we should do something in such a way questionText propery can't be changed after initiliazied.

    • To do that we use final keyword.

    Enums and Constructors


  class Person{
    String name;
    int age;
    Person({ = "sample", this.age=30});
    // another constructor 

var p1 = Person.veryOld("john");


enum SomeType{
  • SomeType.option1

Const vs Final variables

  • Use final if a value doesn't change from the point of time when our program runs

  • Final can be initialized with value.

  • Final it's a runtime constant value, we use this keyword because at the time we are writing code we don't know that the final value will be.

  • Use const , if we know the value at the time we are writing code

  • Const, it is a compile time constant

  • const can be used in different ways:

const dummy = ['Hello']; // variable dummy is constant, can't be changed
dummy = 5 // error

var dummy = const ['Hello'] // now hello list is constant
dummy.add('John');  // given an errr that says unmodifiable list etc..
dummy = 5 // allowed, because only hello list is constant


Including my notes about Flutter Framework