mehdijai / nodexp-controllers

Controllers patters with NodeJS and ExpressJS

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NodeJS ExpressJS API with controllers pattern

Creating NodeJS/ExpressJS dummy API and implementing a basic controller pattern. The controllers are auth-detected. This API includes some dummy endpoints and middleware to mimic an almost real-world behavior. We use decorators to add certain metadata and variables for the endpoints, like AuthGuard, Middlewares, HTTP Method, and route base URI.

The structure of the app:

  • config folder: Handle the api config variables (API Prefix)
  • controllers: Handle the controllers and endpoints
  • decorators: The Controller decorators
  • middlewares: Handle ExpressJS middlewares
  • services: Handle services, Such as, Reflect Metadata, Prisma, Mail,...
  • utils: Functions and classes tools
  • app.ts: The Express App Handler
  • server.ts: App main file.


To use the decorators with typescript, enable experimentalDecorators in tsconfig.json:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "experimentalDecorators": true,

Full tutorial

For a detailed guide on creating and implementing these controllers, check out my article: Create NodeJS/ExpressJS API using Controller Pattern. In this article, I provide an in-depth explanation of the process and behavior of these controllers.


Controllers patters with NodeJS and ExpressJS


Language:TypeScript 100.0%