megmaciver13 / mongo-cli

[cli, mongo, node]

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Build a CLI Mongo App w/ Node

Note This exercise assumes a restaurant_db was created in during the mongo intro lesson. If you need are doing this exercise independent of the lesson and need seed data follow the additional setup from this file.

Your task is to connect to the restaurant_db via the mongodb node module and build a little CLI app that will allow a user to enter commands to query our database.


Start by:

  1. forking and cloning this exercise
  2. creating a main js file, and installing the mongodb node module:
$ touch app.js
$ npm init
$ npm install --save mongodb

Great, now use an instance of the MongoClient to connect to the restaurant_db and search for all restaurants:

// app.js

var mongo = require("mongodb").MongoClient
var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/restaurant_db"

mongo.connect(url, function(err, db){
  var collection = db.collection('restaurants');
  collection.find().toArray(function(err, docs){

Test this code by running the file in node $ node app.js: if you see all the documents outputed to your server logs, you're in great shape!

If not, double check your connection url and that your database is in fact there and populated!

Now, add in the functionality to prompt the user for some input. To do that, we are going to use a node module that will allow us to use the prompt method, much like how we used it w/ front-end JS in the browser:

$ npm install --save prompt-sync

Now let's create a little menu prompt that will return all documents in our collection if the user enters in the right input:

// app.js

var mongo = require("mongodb").MongoClient
var prompt = require("prompt-sync")()
var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/restaurant_db"

mongo.connect(url, function(err, db){
  var collection = db.collection('restaurants');
  var number = prompt("Type 1 and press enter to display all restaurants' names: ")
  if(number == "1"){
    collection.find().toArray(function(err, doc){

You do:

Add another prompt to let the user view more information about a restaurant.


Allow users to add their own restaurants

Double Bonus!

Allow users to edit/delete restaurants


[cli, mongo, node]