megat69 / Lib_CLIExplorer

A Python lib that enables you to load a command-line file explorer for your users !

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.commegat69/Lib_CLIExplorerRepository from Github https://github.commegat69/Lib_CLIExplorer


A Python lib that enables you to load a command-line file explorer for your users !

This lib allows you to ask the user to look for a specific file, folder, or a location in which to save a file !
The lib also comes with a built-in duplicate system, which lets you or the user choose what to do if a file with the same filename already exists, and much more features !


Install from PyPI

To install the library, just type pip install python-console-explorer and this should be ok.

Visit PyPI for more info.

Install from source

Just download the file at this link, and import it in your project.


See examples if wanted.

The library gives access to two functions. The first allows to browse for a file, the second for a folder.

The browse_for_file function

This function will return the path to a file. This file might be non-existent, if the parameter existence_required is set to False (default).

Parameters :

  • path : The default path in which the explorer will be opened.
  • existence_required : Boolean indicating whether or not the file should already exist.
  • handle_same_file : Boolean indicating whether or not to warn the user if the file he selected already exists.
    • Automatically False if existence_required is True.
  • enable_commands : Boolean indicating whether or not commands (MKDIR/RMDIR) are enabled.
  • extensions_list : A tuple of extensions the user can open. By default, any.
  • cancel_enabled : Boolean indicating if the CANCEL command should be enabled or not.

The browse_for_folder function

This function will return the path to a folder.

Parameters :

  • path : The default path in which the explorer will be opened.
  • enable_commands : Boolean indicating whether or not commands (MKDIR/RMDIR) are enabled.
  • cancel_enabled : Boolean indicating if the CANCEL command should be enabled or not.


Creating a basic text editor.

This program is a text editor, the user will input each line, one by one, then type EXIT when he's finished.

Afterwards, he will look for a place to save the file.

File available on GitHub

from console_explorer import *

# Creating the two required variables
text = ""  # The file's text
user_input = ""  # The user input (just initialized, here)

# Looping until the user types 'EXIT'
while user_input != "EXIT":
    # Asking him a line
    user_input = input("")
    # If the line is not 'EXIT' (which would mean we are done writing the text), we add the
    # inputted line to the text
    if not user_input == "EXIT": text += user_input + "\n"

# We ask the user to choose the file destination.
# Also, we only want it to be a plain text (.txt) file or Markdown file (.md)
file_to_save_in = browse_for_file(extensions_list=("txt", "md"))

# If the user cancelled the save, we simply pass
if file_to_save_in is None:
# Otherwise, we open the file he selected, and we put the text inside.
    with open(file_to_save_in, "w") as file:


A Python lib that enables you to load a command-line file explorer for your users !

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%