meganrogge / template-string-converter

Autocorrect from quotes to backticks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Template string converter in Web please

isidorn opened this issue · comments

Hi Megan,

We recently announced VS Code for the Web at, which provides a free, zero-install Microsoft Visual Studio Code experience running entirely in your browser. You can learn more here.

We'd like to ensure Template String Converter can run in the web, and we have a guide for enabling extensions for the web here. As a couple of highlights:

  • In VS Code for the Web, both the UI and extension host run inside the browser.
  • A web extension is structured like a regular extension, but with a different main file: it's defined by the browser property
  • Access to workspace files needs to go through the VS Code file system API accessible at vscode.workspace.fs
  • There are currently three ways to test a web extension

I checked your extension and I think it should be easy to convert it to work on the web.
@meganrogge you should just add to package.json a browser property that would have the same value as the main property.
Let me know if I can help


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