megalithic / updot

Script for copying all your tracked dotfiles to your repository quickly and simply

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



###description updot is a tiny shell script intended for updating all of your tracked dotfiles to a repository.

On first run, updot will attempt to add some commonly tracked dotfiles to your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/updot/updot.conf for you.

You will need to add your repository_root to the updot.conf, and you should ensure that the dotfiles array matches the files you want to push to your repository.

###installation Save updot. chmod +x updot && mv updot /usr/local/bin

(Assuming /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH)

###configuration file An example updot.conf

# updot configuration file

# Git repository location
# Ex: git_repo="/home/seed419/code/linux/dotfiles"

# Tracked dotfiles
# This is an array of dotfiles to copy to your repository
# Ex: dotfiles=( '.bashrc' '.xinitrc' '.bash_profile' )
dotfiles=(' .aliases .bashrc .gitconfig .i3/config .prompt .rtorrent.rc .vimrc .weechat/weechat.conf .xinitrc 
.Xresources .config/openbox/rc.xml .config/openbox/menu.xml .xmonad/xmonad.hs .config/updot/updot.conf 
.config/twmn/twmn.conf .dircolors .colors .git-prompt .profile .xpdfrc ')

###run it updot


Script for copying all your tracked dotfiles to your repository quickly and simply