mefistotelis / fff_fli

File Format Fixer: Autodesk Animator FLI files fixer

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File Format Fixer: Autodesk Animator FLI files fixer

written by Tomasz Lis, Gdansk, Poland 2004-2007
this software is under GNU license

This little tool can analyze FLI file headers and fix informations in them. It can be used to repair any damaged FLI file.

I've made this one to repair very specific files, but my solution is very common and can be used in many cases. My specific case was to repair FLI files used in Bullfrog games. These files were in FLI format, but the header was cut to avoid opening them in FLI viewers.

This program fixes all headers, but animation data is not changed. It means that after using this tool, there is still a chance that file has errors.

Usage: fff_fli [options] [destFile]

Where is a FLI file to fix [destFile] is an output file, set to 'repaired.fli' if no other name typed [options] can be -v -m -f -p -n -b -c -a -l -u -r -k -s -e

Options: -v poDisplayAllInfo Displays a lot of informatons - highly verbose mode

-m poFixMainHeader Determines if MainHeader will be corrected to real values

-f poFixFrameHeaders Without this option, frame repair function just ends itself

-p poFixFramePositions Determines if frame positions should be adjusted by searching the file around given offset

-n poUseFrameFinder FrameFinder allows to search for frames in file if on first parsing not all of them has been found

-b poRemoveBadChunks If chunk seems to be destroyed, it is removed

-c poFixChunkHeaders Determines if chunk headers should be corrected

-a poNeverWaitForKey Never asks for pressing a key to continue

-l poSimpleFix Only header is fixed, other data only copied. Some other options won't work with this.

-u poManualSeeking Alternate method of getting offsets in files

-r poRadicalFrameHdrFix It decreases the range of values in FrameHeaders whitch are assumed proper

-k poNeverSkipFrames With this option, frames witch looks bad won't be removed

-s startFrame Allows to write to output only a range of frames

-e endFrame Allows to write to output only a range of frames

Example of executing program to fix Syndicate FLI file: (file must be decompressed with DERNC first) fff_fli -v -m -f -p -n -b -c -a mendlose.dat mendlosefix.fli

Example of executing program to fix Syndicate Wars FLI file: fff_fli -v -m -f -p -n -b -c -a mod-01.fli mod-01fix.fli

If you don't know whitch options to use, try those from example. If you run program without options, just filename, it will not work properly. It requires at least -p -n to find frames.

If the program won't find palette information in first frame of animation, it will load palette from FLIFix.pal file.

Version: 1.02 Corrected fixChunkHeader and validFrame so program works on MacSyndicate animations

Version: 1.01 Corrected validFrame for empty frames Fixed some memory allocation problems Converted from Borland C 3.1 to GCC and Dev-C++ Added parameters, but startFrame and endFrame unfinished yet

Version: 1.00 First working one

Author: Tomasz Lis


File Format Fixer: Autodesk Animator FLI files fixer


Language:C 90.5%Language:Makefile 4.9%Language:Objective-C 4.6%