meetmrhung / Self-Driving-Truck

Self-driving smallscale truck with wireless charging - Master thesis @ NTNU 2019

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SINTEF Self-Driving Truck w/induction charger

This repository contains code for a self-driving smallscale truck with wireless inductive charging. It is part of a master thesis in cybernetics and robotics at NTNU 2019, and contains code for three different path following methods:

  • SLAM with Pure Pursuit (and Stanley steering) steering controller
  • Supervised Deep Learning steering controller with OpenCV
  • Lane Detector with steering controller (PID) and OpenCV

The system is based on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic running on a Nvidia Jetson TX2. The truck itself is controlled by a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller. Other components used are the RPlidar A2M8 lidar and the Logitech C922 webcam.


To start the autonomous system, type:

$ roslaunch car_cmd run.launch  

ROS nodes

Folder Functionality
Teensy Contains the code for the Teensy microcontroller
ackermann_odom Estimates odometry for Ackermann vehicle with IMU
aruco_detector For detecting ArUco markers with camera, also contains generator
can_charger_node ROS CAN bus interface for Jetson TX2
car_cmd Central node for publishing car commands to microcontroller
car_gui Graphical User Interface for status overviews
car_setup_tf TF broadcaster (base_link to laser)
cv_lanetracker OpenCV Lane Detector for center offset measure
dnn_simulator Deep Learning controller for Udacity Simulator, with trainer
dnn_steering_node Deep Learning steering controller, also contains trainer and data logger
esc_vel_pub Estimates velocity from controller command (sensorless)
heartbeat_broadcaster Publishes alive msgs to microcontroller
path_trackers Pure Pursuit and Stanley steering controllers
rosbag_resampler Script for resampling a rosbag that has topics publishing at different sample rates
rplidar_pwm_ros Modified RPlidar ROS node with PWM motor control (
waypoint_logger ROS node for recording a new path

Also used:

Name Link
ROS Kinetic
Hector SLAM
ROS Serial
Udacity Self-Driving Car Simulator (Term 1, v2)

A modified version of Hector SLAM is attached as a zip.

Demonstration video


Created for SINTEF Energy Research by Jon Eivind Stranden @ NTNU 2019


Self-driving smallscale truck with wireless charging - Master thesis @ NTNU 2019


Language:C++ 42.5%Language:Python 29.3%Language:CMake 23.6%Language:C 4.4%Language:Shell 0.2%