meedaycodes / Tkinter-GUI-App

A gui application developed with tKinter with the capability of carrying out several operations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • The front_end.exe file for the app can be downloaded in the dist folder a of this repository . It also comes with a sqlite database which can be be wiped out and reused for storing other information

Design the Interface

  • This was the first task of building the app as it allows for a pictorial illustration what would be contained in it in terms of dimensions of each button and functions we would like to perform on the app such as adding a new entry of record to the database, query the database, delete entry from the database

Coding The Front-End

  • I used the Tkinter Library to build the whole front end of this app. Tkinter was selected because it allows for building effective GUIs for users in short amount of time
  • First the library was imported using pip, then a Tkinter window with the code below
window =Tk()


l1 = Label(window, text="Phone Name")
l1.grid(row=0, column=0)

phone_name_text = StringVar()
e1=Entry(window, textvariable=phone_name_text)

list1=Listbox(window, height=8, width=65)
list1.grid(row=2,column=0,rowspan=12, columnspan=2)

b1 = Button(window, text="View All", width=15, command=view_command)
b1.grid(row=3, column=3)

  • I created first a window which is an instance of the Tinker class object, then a title is given to the window frame created
  • the window class id then populated with the elements (buttons, textboxes, scrollbar) relevant to use the app effectively
  • See the file for full front end code

Coding the Back End

  • The file contains the full code that was used to create the database for this application
  • Sqlite was used as the database for this project, the sqlite library was first imported , then a connection was made with the sqlite database
def connect():
    connected = sqlite3.connect("Phones_Record.db")
    cur= connected.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS phonerecord (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, phone_name TEXT, camera TEXT, launch_date DATE, battery TEXT, display_size TEXT, price FLOAT)")

def insert(phone_name, camera, launch_date, battery, display_size, price):
    connected = sqlite3.connect("Phones_Record.db")
    cur= connected.cursor()
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO phonerecord VALUES (NULL, ?,?,?,?,?,?)",(phone_name, camera, launch_date, battery, display_size, price))

Connecting Front-end to Back-end

  • The connection of the front-end to the back-end can be found in the file with series of python functions that gets executed when queries are made in the front end

def view_command():
    list1.delete(0, END)
    for row in backend.view():

def search_command():
    for row in, launch_date_text.get(), camera_text.get(),battery_text.get(), display_size_text.get(), price_text.get()):
        list1.insert(END, row)

Building the .exe file with pyinstaller Library

  • On completing the process of connecting both part of the applicattion pyinstaller was installed to create a downloaded .exe file that can be used on both windows and machines. In this repo the .exe file can be found in the dist folder of the file section



A gui application developed with tKinter with the capability of carrying out several operations


Language:TeX 69.3%Language:HTML 29.9%Language:Python 0.8%