The front_end.exe file for the app can be downloaded in the dist folder a of this repository
. It also comes with a sqlite database which can be be wiped out and reused for storing other information
Design the Interface
This was the first task of building the app as it allows for a pictorial illustration what would be contained in it
in terms of dimensions of each button and functions we would like to perform on the app such as adding a new entry of
record to the database, query the database, delete entry from the database
Coding The Front-End
I used the Tkinter Library to build the whole front end of this app. Tkinter was selected because it allows for building effective
GUIs for users in short amount of time
First the library was imported using pip, then a Tkinter window with the code below
The connection of the front-end to the back-end can be found in the file with series of python functions that gets executed
when queries are made in the front end
def view_command():
list1.delete(0, END)
for row in backend.view():
def search_command():
for row in, launch_date_text.get(), camera_text.get(),battery_text.get(), display_size_text.get(), price_text.get()):
list1.insert(END, row)
Building the .exe file with pyinstaller Library
On completing the process of connecting both part of the applicattion pyinstaller was installed to create a downloaded .exe file that can be used
on both windows and machines. In this repo the .exe file can be found in the dist folder of the file section
A gui application developed with tKinter with the capability of carrying out several operations