- This is a basic python program that performs two functions
- The first function returns a random word from a list of fruits provided using the random.choice method
word_list = ["Apple", "Pear", "Orange", "Grapes", "Guava"]
word = random.choice(word_list)
- The second function gets an input from the user and saves the input in a variable called "guess"
- checks if the length ia equal to 1 and if the user is an alphabet
- And prints out an output based on the values the user inputs
guess = input("Enter a single letter here:")
if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isalpha():
print("Good guess")
print("Ooops, That's not a valid input")
- This second milestone of the game adds 2 functionalities to it
- The first fuction converts the user's guess to lowercase with thw lower() and checks if the guess is in the word variable from milestone 1
def check_guess(guess):
guess = guess.lower()
if guess in word:
print(f'Good guess. {guess} is in the word')
print(f'Sorry, {guess} is not in the word.Try again')
- The second function checks that the user has provided a single alphabet character and breaks the while loop that iteratively asks for a valid input
- the first function is then called within this function but outside the while loop
def ask_for_input():
while True:
guess = input("Enter an alphabet: ")
if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isalpha():
print("Invalid letter. Please enter a single alphabetic character")
- In this milestone the Hangman class was created and was initialised with two parameters(word_list, num_lives) within the init constructor
- Four other class variables self(word, word_guessed, num_lives, lIst_of_guesses) were defined within the constructor method
class Hangman:
def __init__(self, word_list, num_lives=5):
self.num_lives = num_lives
self.word_list = word_list
self.word = random.choice(word_list)
self.word_guessed = list(len(self.word)*",")
self.num_letters = len(set(self.word) - set(self.word_guessed))
self.list_of_guesses = []
- The second method check_guess allows for the verification of the letter provided by the user,
- First it checks if the guess is in the word variable, if this condition is met, it appends the letter into the list of word_guessed indexing it at a particular position
- if this conditions are not met the else block of the code runs
def check_guess(self, guess):
self.guess = guess.lower()
if self.guess in self.word:
print(f"Good guess! {guess} is in word")
for i, letter in enumerate(self.word):
if letter == self.guess:
self.word_guessed[i] = self.guess
self.num_letters -= 1
self.num_lives -= 1
print(f'Sorry {letter} is not in the word')
print(f'You have {self.num_lives} left')
- The last method ask_for_input() gets the input from the user and checks for two conditions within the while loop
- if the length of the guess is 1
- if the guess is an alphabet
def ask_for_input(self):
while True:
guess = input("Enter a letter: ")
if len(guess) != 1 and guess.isalpha() == False:
print("Invalid letter. Please enter a single alphabetic character")
elif guess in self.list_of_guesses:
print("You already tried that letter!")
- Having defined all the methods within the Hangman class that would be required to play the game, this milestone defines a fuction play_game outside the class
- Within this play_game function, an instance of the Hangman class "game" is created that takes in two parameters (word_list, num_lives)
- A while loop is also created that checks for the change in state of certain attributes of the class to print a result of the game
- The play_game function is finally called outside the while loop
def play_game():
game = Hangman(word_list=["apple", "guava", "pear", "berry", "grape"], num_lives=10)
while True:
if game.num_lives == 0:
print("You Lost! {game.word_guessed} is the correct word")
elif game.num_lives > 0 and game.num_letters <= 0:
print("Congratulations! You won the game")
elif game.num_letters > 0: