medihack / i18n-unused

The static analyze tool for finding, marking and removing unused and missing i18n translations in your JavaScript project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm npm

The static analyze tool for finding, marking and removing unused and missing i18n translations in your JavaScript project.


With npm:

npm install --save-dev i18n-unused

With yarn:

yarn add --dev i18n-unused


Add config i18n-unused.config.js to your root folder:

module.exports = {
  localesPath: 'src/locales',
  srcPath: 'src',

Configuration options

Option name
Required Type
Default value
localesPath path to search for locales yes string -
localesExtensions allowed file extensions for locales no string[] if not set localeNameResolver: ['json']
localeNameResolver file name resolver for locales no RegExp, (name: string) => boolean -
localeFileParser resolve locale imports, for example if you use named imports from locales files, just wrap it to your own resolver no (module) => module fn, return module.default or module
localeFileLoader load the locale file manually (e.g. for using your own parser) no (filePath) => object -
srcPath path to search for translations no string '' (same as run folder)
srcExtensions allowed file extensions for translations no string[] ['js', 'ts', 'jsx', 'tsx', 'vue']
ignorePaths ignored paths, eg: ['src/ignored-folder'], should start similarly srcPath no string[] -
translationKeyMatcher matcher to searching for translation keys in files no RegExp RegExp, match $_, $t, t, $tc, tc and i18nKey
excludeKey doesn't process translations that include passed key(s), for example if you set excludeKey: '.props.', script will ignore Button.props.value. no string, string[] -
ignoreComments Ignore code comments in src files. no boolean false
marker special string to mark unused translations, it'll added via mark-unused no string '[UNUSED]'
gitCheck show git state change tree no boolean false
context use i18n context, (eg: plurals) no boolean true
flatTranslations use flat translations, (eg: Flat JSON) no boolean false
translationSeparator separator for translations using in code no string '.'
translationContextSeparator separator for i18n context (see context option) no string '_'


Get help:

i18n-unused -h

Display unused translations:

i18n-unused display-unused

Mark unused translations via [UNUSED] or marker from config (works only with json for now):

i18n-unused mark-unused

Remove unused translations (works only with json for now):

i18n-unused remove-unused

Sync translations (works only with json for now):

i18n-unused sync <source> <target>

Display missed translations:

i18n-unused display-missed

Usage in code


If you use tool in code, you can run async function collectUnusedTranslations:

import { collectUnusedTranslations } from 'i18n-unused';

const handleTranslations = async () => {
  const unusedTranslations = await collectUnusedTranslations(
    localesPaths, // paths to locale files
    srcFilesPaths, // paths to src files
      localeFileParser: (module) => module, // optional, resolver for module
      excludeTranslationKey: ['.props.'], // optional, special string or sting[] to exclude flat translations

It'll return to you follow collect:

  translations: [
      localePath: 'locale_file_path',
      keys: ['unused_key'],
      count: 1,
  totalCount: 1,


If you use tool in code, you can run async function collectMissedTranslations:

import { collectMissedTranslations } from 'i18n-unused';

const handleTranslations = async () => {
  const missedTranslations = await collectMissedTranslations(
    localesPaths, // paths to locale files
    srcFilesPaths, // paths to src files
      localeFileParser: (module) => module, // optional, resolver for module
      excludeTranslationKey: ['.props.'], // optional, special string or sting[] to exclude flat translations
      translationKeyMatcher: /(?:[$ .](_|t|tc))\(.*?\)/ig, // optional, match translation keys in files

You'll get the following collection:

  translations: [
      filePath: 'src_file_path',
      staticKeys: ['missed_key'], // keys without ${} syntax
      dynamicKeys: ['missed_key'], // keys with ${} syntax
      staticCount: 1,
      dynamicCount: 1,
  totalStaticCount: 1,
  totalDynamicCount: 1,


Available as async function generateFilesPaths:

import { generateFilesPaths } from 'i18n-unused';

const handleFilesPaths = async () => {
  // return array of full paths to files
  const filesPaths = await generateFilesPaths(
    srcPath, // path where search files, example: 'src/locales'
      srcExtensions, // allowed file extensions, example: ['js', 'ts']
      fileNameResolver, // resolver for file name, see more info about 'localeNameResolver' option

Action results

Next actions return unusedTranslations:

  • displayUnusedTranslations
  • removeUnusedTranslations
  • markUnusedTranslations

Next actions return missedTranslations:

  • displayMissedTranslations

What else?

If the tool helped you, please rate it on github, thx. I'll be glad to your PRs =)


MIT License. Maxim Vishnevsky


The static analyze tool for finding, marking and removing unused and missing i18n translations in your JavaScript project

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 93.3%Language:JavaScript 6.7%