Quickstarts the creation and publishing of GitHub Pages with Hugo. Contributions are welcome!
Tutorial em português disponível aqui.
This Makefile assumes that you have:
- Open source distributed version control system git properly configured.
- Open-source static site generator Hugo installed. If you don't, simply run:
brew install hugo
- Use this template to create a new repository for your site.
- The Repository name must be
should be replaced with your GitHub username). - Clone the repository locally and run the following commands one by one to create and publish your page.
Creates a new Hugo project.
Includes the informed Hugo theme repository as a submodule. Find available themes here.
Make sure you update the configuration file at .hugo/config.toml
with the selected theme settings. Most themes will include a reference file at .hugo/themes/theme-name/exampleSite/config.toml
that you can copy to get started.
Updates included themes.
Serves website at http://localhost:1313.
Builds deployable version of the website.
Creates a commit and pushes changes to repository.
2020 MIT License.