mdurn / lenv

Lua Version Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lua Version Manager.


$ curl -L | perl
$ source ~/.lenvrc

Installation Location

lenv will creating the following directories;

├── bin
│   └── lenv
├── lua
├── luajit
├── src
└── tmp
  • bin/lenv: lenv script file.
  • lua: lua installation directory.
  • luajit: luajit installation directory.
  • src: downloaded source files will be saved into this directory.
  • tmp: downloaded temporary files will be saved into this directory.


please run a help command to show the help message.

$ lenv help
lenv 0.1.0

    lenv help                           Show this message
    lenv path                           Show the configured paths
    lenv update                         Update lenv
    lenv fetch                          Fetch remote versions
    lenv vers                           List available versions
    lenv ls                             List installed versions
    lenv install <version> <opt...>     Download and install a <version> of lua
                                        with luarocks
    lenv install-lj <version> <opt...>  Download and install a <version> of 
                                        luajit with luarocks
    lenv uninstall <version>            Uninstall a <version> of lua
    lenv uninstall-lj <version>         Uninstall a <version> of luajit
    lenv use <version>                  Use a <version> of lua
    lenv use-lj <version>               Use a <version> of luajit

you must run a fetch command at the first. that command will crawling the version files of Lua, LuaJIT and LuaRocks immediately.

$ lenv fetch
$ lenv vers


the following example are installing the Lua 5.1.5 and LuaRocks.

$ lenv install 5.1.5 macosx
$ lenv use 5.1.5
$ lua -v
Lua 5.1.5  Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio

the following example are installing the LuaJIT 2.0.4 and LuaRocks.

$ lenv install-lj 2.0.4
$ lenv use-lj 2.0.4
$ lua -v
LuaJIT 2.0.4 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall.


Lua Version Manager