mdissel / ServiceStack.Authentication.Azure

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Azure Active Directory via Azure Graph for ServiceStack


First off I would like to really thank @jfoshee for his work enabling authentication with Azure through the awesome ServiceStack.Authentication.Aad library. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should. A lot (most) of the details for working with azure remain similiar or unchanged. You will notice @jfoshee referenced throughout the source.

Getting Started

For the majority of you who aren't my Mom and are uninterested in reading my rambling, just fire it up and follow the steps here.

Azure v2.0 Endpoint

In a nutshell, Microsoft has converged the authentication scenarios of personal Microsoft accounts and Azure Active Directory, tl;dr version. My feeling is that this is a good thing, one API to rule them all. This is also why I whipped up this project vs forking the original work authenticating with AAD. I created this repo in order to make it trivial to authenticate users with Office365 and hybrid Azure Active Directories.

Configuring Azure

Before allowing users of your ServiceStack app to authenticate using the Azure Graph API you must first let Azure know about your app. This process is known as 'Registering your App with Azure'. This process has been streamlined. It's easy.

  1. Navigate to and log in with your credentials. Remember to log in under the account that you wish to grant app access to, either your microsoft account, or your directory (AAD/Office 365) account. In order to grant access to your directory you will need sufficient permissions, likely god of gods.

    alt text

  2. Once authenticated you will be on your 'My Applications' page. This page displays a list of apps that you have already granted access too. Click the 'Add an app' button on the top right.

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  3. You will be prompted to enter a name for your app. Enter the name of your ServiceStack app. Like 'My New App'. You are then presented with the configuration screen for your app authentication. These are the items you care about:

    1. Application Id: This is the value that uniquely identifies your application. You will need this value and will use it in your servicestack app.

    2. Application Secrets: You will need to generate a new password. BEWARE! This value is displayed to you only once. Once you dismiss it from your screen you will never see it again. When you are presented with this value make a note of it for later.

    3. Platforms: We are the web. Select the web platform. When you select the web platform you are then able to enter redirect Urls. Redirect Urls is the url that Azure will post back to once it has authenticated you user. It should have the form of https://{yourservicestackapp}/auth/ms-graph. NOTE that https is a requirement which can be a pain. Good news is that .net core supports ssl certs really easily. If you need help google it or drop me a line and I can try help you out.

    4. Microsoft Graph Permissions: This defines what things you are allowing your ServiceStack app to access. With the new api, a lot of things are openning up. For a good reference you can check out

      alt text

      Thats about it! Azure is now expecting authentication requests from your app. Now the next part of the solution is configuring your app.

Configuring ServiceStack Azure Authentication

In order for your ServiceStack app to authenticate users against their directory, we must inform Azure of a couple pieces of data. These include your application id, your password (or client secret) that you copied down earlier. In addition we will send the account name entered on your app along to help Azure.

ServiceStack.Authentication.Azure keeps track of Azure domains in a registry. As such, there are several IApplicationRegistryService implementations available to you out of the box. The SingleTenantApplicationRegistryService will attempt to authenticate all authentication requests to the same directory. This directory is specified by values fed into the provider instance.

The AzureAuthenticationProvider is configured in the already familiar pattern as all other existing providers.

    new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), 
    new IAuthProvider[]
        new AzureAuthenticationProvider(), 

In addition, you must register the IApplicationRegistryService in the container. I know its a bit of a pain, however this allows us to use the provider in both a single and multi-tenant environment.

    c => SingleTenantApplicationRegistryService(
            new AzureDirectorySettings
                ClientId = "<ApplicationId From App Registration Page>",
                ClientSecret = "<Super secret password generated on App Reg. Page>",
                DirectoryName = "<Azure directory name i.e.>"

In order to authenticate with Azure now, you simply follow the existing pattern of sending an Authenticate request, specifying the ms-graph provider.

var auth = new Authenticate {
    provider = "ms-graph",
    UserName = ""

It is important that the fully qualified username be submitted. For now, unless there is a reason to change it, even in single tenant mode you must specify the '' part of the username.

Thats it!! After submitting the Authenticate request, the expected flow for oauth will proceed without suprises. If you are having problems drop me a line.

Configuring Multi Tenant Support

First, multi-tenant support in this context simply means that you want to allow users from more than a single directory to access your ServiceStack app. This is a common requirement for things like SaaS apps/backends.

In order to support multi-tenant authentication you simply need to use an IApplicationRegistryService that supports looking up directories by the username submitted with the Authenticate request.

Already implemented is the OrmLiteMultiTenantApplicationRegistryService. This implementation backs onto the existing OrmLite support built right into ServiceStack and looks up directories from the database.

    new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), 
    new IAuthProvider[]
        new AzureAuthenticationProvider(), 

var container = host.GetContainer();
    new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
    c => new OrmLiteMultiTenantApplicationRegistryService(c.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>()));


Any questions, comments, complaints drop me a line


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%