mdgriffith / elm-style-animation-zero-sixteen

elm-style-animation for elm 0.16 (This is generally deprecated, use elm-style-animation for elm 0.17 and above)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A library to simplify creating html animations in elm. My focus was to create something I could use as a UI designer to prototype animations quickly, accurately, and without sneaky errors.

  1. Showing a menu on hover - demo / view code
  2. Chaining animations together - demo / view code
  3. Managing multiple animations - demo / view code
  4. Stacking transformations - demo / view code
  5. Staggering animations - demo / view code
  6. Realistic scenario (flower menu) (separate repo) - demo / view code


Try it out!

First have Elm installed, then

If you just want to play with the examples, run the following in a console:

git clone
cd elm-html-animation/examples
# Make sure to cd into the examples folder.
# The library and the examples have different dependencies
# So, running elm-reactor on the base folder will not work
# if you just want to run examples.

Or, if you want to install the package in one of your elm projects.

elm-package install mdgriffith/elm-html-animation

The Basics

I recommend checking out the Elm Architecture if you haven't already. These examples will be much easier if you're already familiar with the standard model, update, and view pattern. As well you should understand the basics of using the Effects library.

So, with all that in mind, here's a basic overview of what you'll need to do to use this library.

To add animations to a module, you'll need to do the following:

  • Store the styling data in your model, and define an initial style.

Note all properties that are going to be animated need to be accounted for in the initial style.

import Html.Animation as UI
import Html.Animation.Properties exposing (..)

type alias Model = { style : UI.Animation }

init : Model
init = { style = 
                [ Left -350.0 Px
                , Opacity 0.0 
                , Color |> UI.rgba 50 50 50 1.0
  • In your view, render the animation as a css style.
view : Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
          div [ style (UI.render ] []
  • Add a new action to your Action type to allow updates to be sent to an animation.
type Action = Show -- This action triggers the animation
            | Animate UI.Action -- This action forwards all updates to the elm-html-animation core.

{-| Prepare a helper function to manage effects and assign styles. -}
onMenu =
      Animate -- The action type constructor that is used to forward all updates to an animation
      .style -- style getter
      (\w style -> { w | style = style }) -- style setter 

-- In our update function, we can use the helper function trigger animations 
-- and to pass updates to an animation
update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
update action model =
  case action of

    Show ->
         |> UI.props 
             [ Opacity ( 1)
         |> onMenu model

    Animate action ->
      onMenu model action
  • Start creating animations! Now that we're set up, we can begin animating.

Example 1: Showing a Menu on Hover

demo / view code

Our first example is a menu that is shown when the mouse enters a certain area, and hides when the mouse leaves.

So, our first step is to add two values to our Action type, Show and Hide, and in the update function, we start an animation when those actions occur. Let's take a look at how we construct an animation.

-- ... we add this to the case statement in our update function.
    Show ->
      -- |> UI.delay (0.5*second)
         |> UI.props 
             [ Left ( 0) Px
             , Opacity ( 1)
         |> onMenu model

Notice we are programming declaratively by defining what style property should be by using A delay is present but commented out, just to make you aware of how to do delays.

Instead of using a duration and an easing function, this library defaults to animating by using a spring. By modeling real-world springs, we can create organic animations by defining two numbers, stiffness and damping.

-- ... we add this to the case statement in our update function.
    Show ->
      -- |> UI.spring UI.wobbly -- you can use a UI preset
      -- or specify manually.
         |> UI.spring 
              { stiffness = 400
              , damping = 28
         |> UI.props 
             [ Left ( 0) Px
             , Opacity ( 1)
         |> onMenu model

Alternatively, we also have the option of defining a duration, and an easing function. I've generally found that springs are a more natural way for animating user interfaces, but I believe there are some cases where easing and duration could be preferable. Here's how it's done.

          |> UI.easing (\x -> x)  -- linear easing
          |> UI.duration (0.5*second)
          |> UI.props 
              [ Left ( 0) Px
              , Opacity ( 1)
          |> onMenu model

Note The duration you provide will not do anything unless you also provide an easing function. This is because spring based animations set the duration dynamically. Make sure to check out this library if you're looking for easing functions.

Now that we have this animation, it has a few properties that may not be immediately apparent. If a Hide action is called halfway through execution of the Show animation, the animation will be smoothly interrupted.

However, there may be a situation where we don't want our animation to be interrupted. Instead we might want the current animation to play out completely and for our new animation to play directly afterwards. To do this, we would use UI.queue instead of UI.animate

Example 2: Chaining Animations Together

demo / view code

We also have option of chaining animations together. So, let's make a square that cycles through a few background colors when you click it.

-- in our update function:
    ChangeColor ->
              |> UI.props 
                  [ BackgroundColor 
                      UI.toRGBA 100 100 100 1.0
          |> UI.andThen -- create a new keyframe
              |> UI.props 
                  [ BackgroundColor 
                      UI.toRGBA 178 201 14 1.0
          |> UI.andThen 
              |> UI.props 
                  [ BackgroundColor 
                      UI.toRGBA 58 40 69 1.0 
          |> onMenu

In this case we can use UI.andThen to create a new key frame. This new keyframe will have it's own independent delay, properties, and spring (or easing + duration). Again, it can be interrupted at any point.

Example 3: Managing Multiple Animations

demo / view code

It's also fairly common to have a list of elements that all need to animated individually. In order to do this we need to make a few changes to our boilerplate code we had in the beginning.

First, our model would be something like this:

type alias Model = { widgets : List Widget }

type alias Widget = 
          { style : UI.Animation

We also need to prepare a function that will perform an animation update on a specific widget in the list.

To do this, we're going to use UI.forwardToIndex, which takes a list of things and an index, and applies an update to the thing at that index. In order to do this, it needs a getter and a setter function to get and set the style of the widget. It also needs a way to prepare an update using Animate.

onWidget = 
          Animate -- A way to create an Action.  Needs to be (Int -> UI.Action -> Your.Action)
          .style -- widget style getter
          (\w style -> { w | style = style }) -- widget style setter

Now that we have this function, we can animate a widget by using code like this:

      -- where i is the index of the widget we want to animate.
        (widgets, fx) = 
                |> UI.duration (5*second)
                |> UI.props 
                    [ Opacity ( 0)  
                |> onWidget i model.widgets

        ( { model | widgets = widgets }
        , fx )

Because of this change, we also have to slightly change our Animate action to include the index of the widget that is being animated.

So, our Animate action gets an Int.

type Action = Animate Int UI.Action

And the update function forwards an animation update to a specific widget using our forwardToWidget.

    Animate i action ->
        (widgets, fx) = 
            onWidget i model.widgets action 
        ( { model | widgets = widgets }
        , fx )

From here, we're able to animate each widget independently.

Example 4: Stacking Transformations

demo / view code

CSS has support for transforms such as translate, rotate, and scale. We also have access to some more complicated transformations such as rotate3d and transform3d.

When using these transformations in normal css, you're able to stack them. So, in your css file you can have something like the following:

.transformed {
  transform: rotate(20deg) translateY(100px) rotate(-20deg)

In this case, the transforms are performed in order. Rotate by 20deg, translateY (which is now angled 20deg) by 100px, and then rotate again -20deg.

This can be very useful, especially if we can animate each transform element individually.

Here's how we're able to do this in Html.Animation.

First, we define our initial style. This will define the order that the transforms will appear.

initialWidgetStyle = 
                  [ Rotate 0 Deg
                  , TranslateY 0 Px
                  , Rotate 0 Deg

Now let's animate these properties. Let's say we want do the following animation:

  1. Make the first UI.Rotate move to 20deg.
  2. Once that's finished, we want to translateY to -200px
  3. Now we want to rotate 1 revolution locally
  4. Now we want to rotate 1 revolution around the original center
  5. Then once that's finished, reset everything to 0.
      |> UI.duration (0.5*second)
      |> UI.props 
          [ Rotate ( 20) Deg
  |> UI.andThen
      |> UI.duration (0.7*second)
      |> UI.props 
          [ TranslateY ( -200) Px
  |> UI.andThen
      |> UI.duration (0.7*second)
      |> UI.props 
          [ Rotate UI.stay Deg  -- <-  Here's the only new function! 
                                --  UI.stay allows us to specify 
                                --  the 2nd Rotate we mentioned in our init
          , Rotate ( 360) Deg
    |> UI.andThen
      |> UI.duration (0.7*second)
      |> UI.props 
          [ UI.Rotate ( 380) UI.Deg 
  |> UI.andThen
      |> UI.delay (1*second)
      |> UI.props 
          [ Rotate ( 0.0) Deg
          , TranslateY ( 0.0) Px
          , Rotate ( 0.0) Deg

There's only one new function and that's UI.stay.

UI.stay just keeps a property at it's current value. Normally this is just assumed for any property that isn't explicitly animated, but we need UI.stay in this case to access that second Rotate property.

Example 5: Staggering Animations

demo / view code

Staggering animations can add a very pleasing effect to an animation.

Staggering is running an animation on a list of things, and having that thing's index in that list affect some part of the animation.

A classic example is to delay each element of the list just slightly compared the the previous one.

How can we do this? Well, essentially a stagger is just a function that takes the element's position and returns the animation it should have. So that's what we do!

    (\i -> 
         |> UI.delay (i * 0.05 * second) -- i is the index of the widget in the list.
         |> UI.duration (0.3 * second)
         |> UI.props 
             [ Left ( 200) Px
      |> UI.andThen
         |> UI.delay (2.0 * second)
         |> UI.duration (0.3 * second)
         |> UI.props 
             [ Left ( -50) Px
    |> onAllWidgets model.widgets -- onAllWidgets is a new helper function we created using UI.forwardToAll

The cool part about this way of approaching it is that you can stagger anything you could normally animate: the delay, duration, props, etc.

Notes and Common Pitfalls

Uninitialized Style Animations

If you attempt to animate a property that hasn't been provided in the initial style, that property will not be animated and a warning will be logged.

This was done because it seems to be the better option than animating with an arbitrarily chosen default value and with arbitrarily chosen default units.

So, if a property isn't animating, check your UI.init!

Doubly Specified Units

If you specify different units for a property in the UI.init vs the animation, that property animation will also not be animated and a warning will be logged.

I know this is not the best solution, but there are a few reasons why it's the case.

  1. Html.Animation can't automatically convert between units. A classic example of why not, would be attempting to convert px to %. This can't be done without querying the DOM.

  2. Again we want to avoid making up arbitrary default values.

I'm currently working on a solution by making units only specified in the UI.init, however this turns out to be fairly complicated (see eliminating-twice-declared-units branch if you're curious and want a headache.)

So, maybe this will be solved in the future?


If you're implementing a lot of animationatable things, you'll want to use Html.Lazy. Basically any function that creates Html can be called with Html.lazy

-- So a function that has this signature
view : Model -> Html

-- would be called as
Html.Lazy.lazy2 view model

-- instead of just 
view model

-- Instant performance!


elm-style-animation for elm 0.16 (This is generally deprecated, use elm-style-animation for elm 0.17 and above)

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Elm 100.0%