mdevoe12 / book_search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Book Search

This cleverly named application is a Ruby on Rails API built to search and filter books using the API.

The app is currently hosted on Heroku: - In postman/browser/similar app you can use the aforementioned URL + endpoint + desired parameters. See below for examples.


Param Required? Input Example Note
title yes* string /api/v1/search?title=american+gods
author yes* string /api/v1/search?author=gaiman
sort_by no 'title' or 'author' /api/v1/search?author=gaiman&sort_by=title if not entered, results will sort by title
order_by no 'asc' or 'desc' /api/v1/search?author=gaiman&sort_by=title&order_by=desc if not entered, results will sort by ascending (asc)

*Either title or author has to be used in the search, otherwise you will receive a 400 error code. Both can be used, but at least one must be specified

Returned Values

The returned JSON returns basic search results. The following keys are returned:

"is_search_unique": this key returns a boolean and informs the user if the combined search params for author and title are previously unsearched. Future development will see this value used for response caching.

"books": this key returns an array of the searched results. Nested objects include the title of the found work ('title': 'American Gods') and an array of authors (author: ['Neil Gaiman'])

Examples returns:

    "is_search_unique": true,
    "books": [
            "title": "\"African American Men Struggle to Seek God\"",
            "author": [
                "Melba Eldridge-Lewis"
            "title": "\"From American Dream to God's Destiny\"",
            "author": [
                "Robert, Louis Huber"
        }... returns:

    "is_search_unique": false,
    "books": [
            "title": "American Gods",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"
            "title": "American Gods",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"
        }... returns:

    "is_search_unique": false,
    "books": [
            "title": "A Game of You",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"
            "title": "Absolute Sandman Vol. 5.",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"
        }... returns:

    "is_search_unique": false,
    "books": [
            "title": "Zerbrechliche Dinge",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"
            "title": "Worlds' End",
            "author": [
                "Neil Gaiman"

Getting Started in Development

See below to get started.


Note: Book Search is built using Rails 5.2.4 and Ruby 2.6.3. To ensure you have these versions installed, run:

$ ruby -v

You should see a response similar to:

ruby 2.6.3

and if running

$ rails -v


Rails 5.2.4

If neither are installed, this tutorial is an excellent source to get you up and running on macOS.


  1. Fork and then clone this repository to your local machine
$ git clone
  1. Change directories to the newly cloned down repo
$ cd book_search
  1. Once in the directory, bundle: (this may take a bit of time)
$ bundle
  1. Create the database (Postgres is used for Book Search):
$ rake db:create
  1. Migrate the database:
$ rake db:migrate
  1. To launch this application in development, run:
$ rails s
  1. When using development, you can use the above described endpoints. However, instead of using the Heroku URL, use localhost:3000.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.





Language:Ruby 99.4%Language:HTML 0.6%