This is a client for the Barbican Key Management API. There is a Python library for accessing the API (barbicanclient module), and a command-line script (barbican).
The client is pip installable as follows:
pip install python-barbicanclient
The full api is documented in the official OpenStack documentation site.
Here's an example of storing a secret in barbican using the python library with keystone authentication:
>>> from keystoneclient.auth import identity
>>> from keystoneclient import session
>>> from barbicanclient import client
>>> # We'll use Keystone API v3 for authentication
>>> auth = identity.v3.Password(auth_url=u'http://localhost:5000/v3',
... username=u'admin_user',
... user_domain_name=u'Default',
... password=u'password',
... project_name=u'demo',
... project_domain_name=u'Default')
>>> # Next we'll create a Keystone session using the auth plugin we just created
>>> sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
>>> # Now we use the session to create a Barbican client
>>> barbican = client.Client(session=sess)
>>> # Let's create a Secret to store some sensitive data
>>> secret = barbican.secrets.create(name=u'Self destruction sequence',
... payload=u'the magic words are squeamish ossifrage')
>>> # Now let's store the secret by using its store() method. This will send the secret data
>>> # to Barbican, where it will be encrypted and stored securely in the cloud.
>>> # The URI returned by store() uniquely identifies your secret in the Barbican service.
>>> # After a secret is stored, the URI is also available by accessing
>>> # the secret_ref attribute.
>>> print(secret.secret_ref)
>>> # When we need to retrieve our secret at a later time, we can use the secret_ref
>>> retrieved_secret = barbican.secrets.get(u'http://localhost:9311/v1/secrets/091adb32-4050-4980-8558-90833c531413')
>>> # We can access the secret payload by using the payload attribute.
>>> # Barbican decrypts the secret and sends it back.
>>> print(retrieved_secret.payload)
the magic words are squeamish ossifrage
The command line client is self-documenting. Use the --help flag to access the usage options
$ barbican --help
usage: barbican [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-q] [-h] [--debug]
[--no-auth] [--os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>]
[--os-auth-url <auth-url>] [--os-username <auth-user-name>]
[--os-user-id <auth-user-id>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
[--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
[--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>]
[--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
[--os-tenant-id <tenant-id>]
[--os-project-id <auth-project-id>]
[--os-project-name <auth-project-name>]
[--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
[--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>]
[--endpoint <barbican-url>] [--insecure]
[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
[--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>]
Command-line interface to the Barbican API.
optional arguments:
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
--log-file LOG_FILE Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
-q, --quiet suppress output except warnings and errors
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug show trace backs on errors
--no-auth, -N Do not use authentication.
--os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>
Specify Identity API version to use. Defaults to
--os-auth-url <auth-url>, -A <auth-url>
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
--os-username <auth-user-name>, -U <auth-user-name>
Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
--os-user-id <auth-user-id>
Defaults to env[OS_USER_ID].
--os-password <auth-password>, -P <auth-password>
Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].
--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>, -T <auth-tenant-name>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
--os-tenant-id <tenant-id>, -I <tenant-id>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].
--os-project-id <auth-project-id>
Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is
mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to
--os-project-name <auth-project-name>
Another way to specify tenant name. This option is
mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to
--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].
--endpoint <barbican-url>, -E <barbican-url>
--endpoint <barbican-url>, -E <barbican-url>
Defaults to env[BARBICAN_ENDPOINT].
--insecure Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure" TLS
(https) requests. The server's certificate will not be
verified against any certificate authorities. This
option should be used with caution.
--os-cacert <ca-certificate>
Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS
(https) server certificate. Defaults to
--os-cert <certificate>
Defaults to env[OS_CERT].
--os-key <key> Defaults to env[OS_KEY].
--timeout <seconds> Set request timeout (in seconds).
complete print bash completion command
container create Store a container in Barbican.
container delete Delete a container by providing its href.
container get Retrieve a container by providing its URI.
container list List containers.
help print detailed help for another command
order create Create a new order.
order delete Delete an order by providing its href.
order get Retrieve an order by providing its URI.
order list List orders.
secret delete Delete an secret by providing its href.
secret get Retrieve a secret by providing its URI.
secret list List secrets.
secret store Store a secret in Barbican.
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0
- Documentation:
- Source:
- Bugs: