md-shakil-hosen / React-Dji-Store-Website-Client-Site

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Site Name : DJI Store

Live Link :

Code Link :

About Web Site :

This is a drone sales website, you can buy drones from here.

There is also a dashboard, from which you can get product management, add new product, customer reviews , I try good color combination , clear code and Responsive etc.

Website Advantage :

1. Drone Camera.

2. User Login Advantage

3. New User register advantage

4. Product Management

4. Buy product

5. Order Management

6. Make new Admin

7. Add New Product

8. Product Review

What i used tools :

2. CSS

3. React Bootstrap

4. NodeJs

5. ReactJs

5. React Router

6. Firebase

7. Heroku

8. MongoDB

9. Google AuthProvider

10. Context API ect .

Buying the Drone , Enjoy the Fly

Code Is Brain



Language:JavaScript 91.2%Language:HTML 4.5%Language:CSS 4.3%