md-k-sarker / ECII-Pipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ECII Extended

Originally concept induction algorithom, where other functionality is added to provide:

  • Similarity between natural language (sentence, paragraph, tweet etc).
  • Provide insights of machine learning decisions.
  • Identify new complex entities for knowledge graph.

Program options:

  1. Measure similarity between ontology entities
  2. Perform concept induction
  3. Strip down ontology or keeping entities of interest while discarding others
  4. Create ontology from CSV file
  5. Combine multiple ontology

Download Jar


How to run the program

To measure similarity between ontology entities..... and 
To perform concept induction.....
Program runs in two mode. 
	Batch mode and 
	single mode. 
In single mode it will take a config file as input parameter and run the program as mentioned by the parameters in config file.
In Batch mode it take directory as parameter and will run all the config files within that directory.
	For single mode: [options] [config_file_path]
	For Batch mode:  [options] [-b directory_path]
	For Help: [-h]
		-m : Measure similarity between ontology entity
		-e : Concept Induction by ecii algorithm
		-c : Combine ontology
		-s : Strip down ontology
		-o : Ontology Create from CSV

Parameters for different options:
	-c [inputOntologiesDirectory, outputOntologyIRI]
	-s [-obj/type] [inputOntoPath, entityCsvFilePath, indivColumnName, objPropColumnName/typeColumnName, outputOntoIRI] 
	-o [entityCsvFilePath, objPropColumnName, indivColumnName, typeColumnName, outputOntoIRI]
	Example of Concept Induction command:
	For single mode:
			java -jar ecii.jar config_file
	For Batch mode:
			java -jar ecii.jar -b directory

How to write Config file:

Config file is a text file with user defined parameters and must end with .config
Parameters are written as key, value pair. 

    # default namespace
    namespace : required 

    # K1/negExprTypeLimit, limit of number of concepts in a negative expression of a hornClause
    conceptLimitInNegExpr : integer, optional, default 3

    # K2/hornClauseLimit
    hornClauseLimit : integer, optional, default 3

    # K3/permutate/combination untill this number of objectproperties
    objPropsCombinationLimit: integer, optional, default 3

    # K5 select upto k5 hornClauses to make combination
    hornClausesListMaxSize: integer, optional, default 50

    # K6 select upto k6 candidate classes to make combination
    candidateClassesListMaxSize: integer, optional, default 50

    # k7/remove common atomic types. Those types appeared in both positive and negative individuals 
    removeCommonTypes: boolean, optional, default true.

    # k8, validate solutions upto this number of top solutions
    validateByReasonerSize: integer, optional, default 0

    # k9/ maximum posclasses (top scoring) to do the combination. size would be nCr or posClassListMaxSize--C--conceptLimitInPosExpr
    posClassListMaxSize: integer, optional, default 10

    # k10/ maximum negclasses (top scoring) to do the combination. size would be nCr or negClassListMaxSize--C--conceptLimitInNegExpr
    negClassListMaxSize: integer, optional, default 10

    # score type

    # declare some prefixes to use as abbreviations
    prefixes : map/dictionary, required 

    # knowledge source definition/owl_file_name
    ks.fileName : string, required

    # reasoner name. possible is hermit and pellet. default is pellet
    reasoner.reasonerImplementation : string, optional, default pellet

    # object properties to consider
    objectProperties : map/dictinary, optional

    # positive examples
    lp.positiveExamples : array, required
    # negative examples
    lp.negativeExamples : array, required 

    # measure similarity
    runPairwiseSimilarity : boolean, default false

Source code:

├── java
│   └── ecii-run
├── python
└── kotlin
    └── annotate

Original ECII Algorithm source code is added as a submodel to this repository. How to access the submodule source code see here:



Language:Kotlin 100.0%