Thanks for checking out this Project.
I built this app to enable me have a deeper understanding of how to build a full stack application using the MERN stack.
The challenge is to build an authentication app using the mern stack and typescript. This will involve building both frontend app and backend ap using typescript
- Solution URL: Typescript Mern app
- Live Site URL: Typescript Mern site
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- Material UI
- Mobile-first workflow
- Typescript
- Nodejs
- express
- MongoDb
- Passport js
- TypeScript
- I was able to understand how to create a full stack application using react, typescript, node, express and mongo db,
- I was able to understand how to redux toolkit to fetch data from my backend api.
- I was able to understand how to build rest apis using the 3-layer architecture
- I was able to understand how to use material ui framework to style my application
- I was able to understand how to carry out tests using jest
- I was able to understand how to perform ci/cd
- I was able to understand how to deploy my application on a docker container and host it on aws
I would like in future to use Convert this app to use React js.
- Website - mcwachira
- Twitter - @mc_wachira
I was able to learn how to create the 3-layer architecture using this wonderful blog post [dev] (