Michael C. Thompson's repositories
The current public build of ReverendCrush.com. The project itself is a simple React SPA, but the main feature as of now is the Bluesky Social component. As seen on the front page, it pulls the author's previous 100 posts, paginates them one by one, and gives each post a "score" based on user interactions. Includes a leaderboard!
A very simple landing page designed for an artist's main art gallery page. The layout is entirely done in CSS Grid.
A project for a C++ college class from 2014. Compares a student's exam answers with an answer key.
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This is an earlier version of a portfolio for myself using React. This is NOT the version currently on mct630.com.
This demo, a very basic project manager, is from a React crash course created by Traversy Media (original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A71aqufiNtQ) with some minor CSS styling and small code changes made to be compatible with React v.16
"Brutal Retrogaming Quiz", developed in JavaScript. Front-End only. Early WIP in action can be found at http://www.mct.website/retroquiz/
Very crude Rock-Paper-Scissors game based on the RPS9 ruleset
This is an older version of Studio Anni. Most of it is relatively the same, but the current version at studioanni.com has an extra page for budget paintings, plus has been updated for PHP 7. Some files are omitted for security purposes, and most do not reflect what's currently used on the site.
This is a Single Page Application designed in AngularJS, intended for a custom signage business. A very early sign editor, created with HTML5 Canvas and the pixi.js library, is located at customize_TEST.html. This project was cancelled before it could be completed.