mcornejo / dms-submission

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This service provides a mechanism to send pdfs to DMS.

This mechanism is asynchronous so requires that consuming services implement a callback endpoint to receive updates on the status of their submission.

How to use

Bear in mind when integrating that dms-submission will provide some resilience against transitive failures. If your submission request is accepted, we will retry calls against SDES until they accept. And when we receive callbacks from SDES, we will repeatedly call your service until we receive a response.


Internal Auth

In order to make submission calls there are a number of prerequisites steps that you'll need to follow.

First, you'll need to make sure that your service has an internal-auth grant configured to access the service. These are configured in the internal-auth-config repository. The grant should be the following:

  "grantees": [
      "granteeType": "service",
      "identifiers": ["<YOUR-SERVICE-NAME>"]
  "permissions": [
      "resourceType": "dms-submission",
      "resourceLocation": "submit",
      "actions": ["WRITE"]

You'll also need to make sure that requests are made using an internal-auth token configured for your service. For deployed environments, contact Team Build and Deploy to get them to create and encrypt a token for you.

We recommend that you use the configuration key internal-auth.token for this, as it is used by other platform libraries.

Callback endpoint

In order to notify you of changes in the status of your submission, dms-submission will call your service on an endpoint you specify in the submission request. The request that will be sent will be a POST to your provided callback url with the following body:

When accepted by SDES:

  "correlationId": "71378476-272e-48c4-ac8f-b18af8dbc8f4",
  "status": "Processed",
  "objectSummary": {
    "location": "dms-submission/your-service/71378476-272e-48c4-ac8f-b18af8dbc8f4",
    "contentLength": 1337,
    "contentMd5": "<SOME_HASH>",
    "lastModified": "2022-02-01T12:00:00"

When there has been a downstream failure:

  "correlationId": "71378476-272e-48c4-ac8f-b18af8dbc8f4",
  "status": "Failed",
  "objectSummary": {
    "location": "dms-submission/your-service/71378476-272e-48c4-ac8f-b18af8dbc8f4",
    "contentLength": 1337,
    "contentMd5": "<SOME_HASH>",
    "lastModified": "2022-02-01T12:00:00"
  "failureReason": "Some failure"

NOTE: The failure reason is whatever the failure reason SDES returns

Making submission calls

The dms-submission/submit endpoint accepts a request with a Multipart/Form-Data body with the following fields:

Field name Description Type Required
submissionReference This field is optional, if provided callbacks will use this instead of a randomly generated ID as the submission reference in DMS, and to inform you of status updates. The format is 12 uppercase alphanumeric characters. For Example: A1B2C3D4E5F6 String Yes
callbackUrl This is the url which should be used to notify you of the outcome of your submission. This should be a fully-qualified URL and can be localhost based in local environments String Yes
form This field is the actual pdf which should be sent to DMS File Yes This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. Indicates to the target system that the file should be stored. Defaults to true. Boolean No
metadata.source This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. The name of the source system. String Yes
metadata.timeOfReceipt This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. The time of the submission to HMRC. Timestamp Yes
metadata.formId This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. The name of the form. String Yes
metadata.customerId This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. Used to identify the user that submitted the document. String Yes
metadata.casKey This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. Reference obtained from CAS following archive of the form submission. String No
metadata.classificationType This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. Along with businessArea defines the queue within DMS which the submission will be routed to. String Yes
metadata.businessArea This will be used in the metadata.xml for GIS/DMS. Along with classificationType defines the queue within DMS which the submission will be routed to. String Yes

Here is an example of creating this request using the HttpClientV2 from http-verbs

val clientAuthToken = configuration.get[String]("internal-auth.token")

  .setHeader(AUTHORIZATION -> clientAuthToken)
      DataPart("callbackUrl", s"http://localhost:<MY_SERVICE_PORT>/callback"),
      DataPart("", "true"),
      DataPart("metadata.source", "<MY_SERVICE>"),
      DataPart("metadata.timeOfReceipt", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format(timeOfReceipt)),
      DataPart("metadata.formId", "formId"),
      DataPart("metadata.customerId", "customerId"),
      DataPart("metadata.submissionMark", "submissionMark"),
      DataPart("metadata.casKey", "casKey"),
      DataPart("metadata.classificationType", "classificationType"),
      DataPart("metadata.businessArea", "businessArea"),
        key = "form",
        filename = "form.pdf",
        contentType = Some("application/octet-stream"),
        ref = Source.single(ByteString("Hello, World!"))

NOTE: The FilePart above takes any Source[ByteString, _]

The possible responses for this are:

Response status Example body Description
ACCEPTED (202) {"id":"71378476-272e-48c4-ac8f-b18af8dbc8f4"} This status means that your request has been accepted and the returned id is what will be used in subsequent calls in regard to this submission
BAD_REQUEST (400) {"errors": ["some error"]} This status means that there is an issue with the request you've submitted, the errors array should contain all known errors for the request
UNAUTHORIZED (401) {} This status means that you have incorrectly configured the auth token for your request
FORBIDDEN (403) {} This status means that you have incorrectly configured the internal-auth configuration for your service

Admin frontend

There is an admin frontend available that allows you to see the status of different submissions from services you own. It is also possible to use this locally to help check your integration. See the repo for details


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%