mcmatrix / superformatter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The world's simplest Python template engine

Implements a very basic template engine based on the standard Python formatting feature.


The objective is mostly to have fun with Python and demonstrate what the standard Formatter class is able to do.

If you have any funny idea to improve the current implementation (remember: we want to keep it short), pull requests are welcome :).


>>> sf = SuperFormatter()

It does everything the regular format() method does (and that's already a lot, see

But it also ca:

  • call methods:
>>> sf.format('My name is {name.upper:call}', name="eric")
'My name is ERIC'
  • make loops:
>>> sf = SuperFormatter()
>>> sf.format('''Table of contents:
... {chapters:repeat:Chapter {{item}}
... }''', chapters=["I", "II", "III", "IV"])
'''Table of contents:
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
  • manage conditions:
>>> sf = SuperFormatter()
>>> sf.format('Action: Back / Logout {manager:if:/ Delete {id}}', manager=True, id=34)
'Action: Back / Logout / Delete 34'



Language:Python 100.0%