mckeepa / linux-dotnetcore-docker-how-to

A tutorial on "how to" Linux + .NET Core + Docker...

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GNU/Linux + .NET/ASP.NET Core + LXC/Docker

A tutorial on "how to" GNU/Linux + .NET/ASP.NET Core + LXC/Docker...


Step 1 - GNU/Linux Installation

If you don't have a preexisting Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS VM then start at Step 1.

Step 2 - GNU/Linux Configuration & Maintenance

Once you have a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS VM go to Step 2.

Step 3 - .NET Core "Hello, world!"

Once you have a configured Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS VM (or my preconfigured VM) head over to Step 3.

Step 4 - ASP.NET Core "Hello, world!"

Once you have said hello to .NET Core continue on with Step 4.

Step 5 - LXC/Docker "Hello, world!"

Once you made your HELO to ASP.NET Core strap on your helmet for Step 5.

Step 6 - Putting it all together

Left as an exercise for the reader...


Hit me up on Twitter @todthomson.


A tutorial on "how to" Linux + .NET Core + Docker...