mcjunshi / fuji-fabric

A mod that provides many essential and useful modules for vanilla survival.

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Fuji is a minecraft mod that provides many essential and useful modules for vanilla survival.

This is a server-side only mod, but you can use it in a single-player world. (Yes, the single-player world also includes a logic-server)

  • For a server-maintainer: You only need to install this mod at the server-side, and the players don't need to install this mod at their client-side
  • For a player: You only need to install this mod at the client-side, and then you can use the modules in your single-player world.


  1. Vanilla-Respect: all the modules do the least change to the vanilla game (Never touch the game-logic).
  2. Fully-Modular: you can disable any module completely if you don't like it (The commands and events will all be disabled, just like the code never exists, without any performance issue).
  3. High-Performance: all the codes are optimized for performance, and the modules are designed to be as lightweight as possible (From data-structure, algorithm, lazy-load and cache to improve performance greatly).
  4. Easy-to-Use: all the modules are designed to be easy to use, and the commands are designed to be easy to remember, even the language file is designed to be easy to understand.


By default, all the modules are disabled, and this mod does nothing to the vanilla minecraft.

Click here to display all the modules


provides a command to toggle the pvp status. (/pvp [on/off/status/list]) module presentation gif


create and manage auto-reset resource world for overworld, the_nether and the_end. (/rw [tp/delete/reset]) module presentation gif


A simple chat system.

  • Support mini-message based parser
  • Support mention players
  • Support chat-history -> new joined player can see the chat-history
  • Support per-player message-format settings -> /chat format
  • Support quick-codes
    • Insert "pos" -> current position
  • Support display
    • Insert "item" -> item display (support shulker-box)
    • Insert "inv" -> inventory display
    • Insert "ender" -> enderchest display
  • Support MainStats placeholders
module presentation gif module presentation gif


Provides a command /chunks to show the most laggy chunks in the server. module presentation gif


(Carpet required) provides some management for fake-player.

  • FakePlayerNameSuffixAndPrefix
  • FakePlayerManipulateLimit
    • Type /player who to see the owner of fake-player
    • Only the owner of the fake-player can manipulate the fake-player
  • FakePlayerSpawnLimit -> caps can be set to change dynamically
  • FakePlayerRenewTime
    • Every fake-player only lives for 12 hrs until you renew it (This avoids the fake-player to be a long-term laggy entity)
    • Type /player renew to renew the fake-player
module presentation gif


(Carpet required) provides /info entity and add nbt-query for /info block module presentation gif


provides a teleport warmup for all player-teleport to avoid the abuse of teleport (Including damage-cancel, combat-cancel, distance-cancel). module presentation gif


provides /skin command, and even an option to use local random-skin for fake-player (This fixes a laggy operation when spawning new fake-player and fetching the skin from mojang server).


provides /deathlog command, which can log and restore the death-log for all players. module presentation gif


provides /back command (Support smart-ignore by distance).


provides /tpa and /tpahere (Full gui support, and easy to understand messages). module presentation gif


provides /works command, some bit like /warp but this module provides a very powerful hopper and minecart-hopper counter for every technical player to sample their contraption. module presentation gif


provides /download command for every player who wants to download the nearby chunks around him. (Including rate-limit and attack-protection. This command is safe to use, because everytime the command will copy the original-region-file into a temp-file, and only send the temp-file, which does nothing to the original-region-file) module presentation gif


This module sums up some basic stats, like: total_playtime, total_mined, total_placed, total_killed and total_moved (We call these 5 stats MainStats). You can use these placeholders in ChatStyleModule and MOTDModule

module presentation gif


This module broadcasts a welcome-message and random teleport the new player and sets its respawn location.


Yeah, you know what this module does. (Use this module to avoid some heavy-command abuse)


A simple MOTD that supports fancy and random motd, and supports some placeholders like MainStats module presentation gif


provides /head command to buy player heads.


provides /profiler to sample the server health. (Including os, vm, cpu, ram, tps, mspt and gc)


this module modifies ALL commands (even the command is registered from other mods) and adds a prefix-permission (we called it zero-permission) for the command. If the player has zero-permission, then we check zero-permission for that command, otherwise check the command's original requires-permission.

Tips: if you don't know how to determine command-node name, you can just type /lp> group default permission zero. and let luckperms tell you what command-node names you can use.

  • Allow the default group to use a command by adding a zero-permission (e.g. /seed) -> /lp group default permission set zero.seed true
  • Disallow the default group to use a command by adding a zero-permission (e.g. /help) -> /lp group default permission set false
  • Disallow the default group to use a sub-command from a command by adding a zero-permission (e.g. /player [player] mount) -> /lp group default permission set zero.player.player.mount false


provides options to bypass some annoyed things.

  • bypass-chat-rate-limit -> avoid "Kicked for spamming"
  • bypass-move-speed-limit -> avoid "Moved too quickly!"
  • bypass-max-player-limit -> avoid server max-player limit


auto deop an op-player when he leaves the server.


makes every EnderPortal generate its own Obsidian Platform (Up to 128 in survival-mode, you can even use creative-mode to build more Ender Portal and more ObsidianPlatform. Please note that: all the obsidian-platform are vanilla-respect, which means they have the SAME chunk-layout and the SAME behaviour as vanilla obsidian-platform which locates in (100,50,0)) module presentation gif


a fix patch for ServerWorld#PlayerList, to avoid CME in player-list (e.g. sometimes tick-entity and tick-block-entity will randomly crash the server because of player-list CME)


for offline whitelist, this makes whitelist ONLY compare the username and ignore UUID!


log command issue into the console.


an optimization for mob-spawn, this will cause the mob spawns a few blocks away from the biome-border (This will not influence structure-based mob spawn).

After many rounds of test (about 46000 chunks and 6000 entities), we found that this optimization can boost about 5~6 mspt, which is very considerable.


an optimization for iterating chunks, use event-based chunk-list constructor to avoid chunk-iteration lag.

Disable mixin.experimental.chunk_tickets=false in Lithium to avoid in-compatibility with this module. Lithium does some other optimization in the same mixin. However, this mod provides a better performance at this point.

About 3~4 mspt boost


where you can add schedule jobs by cron expression, set the random command-list to be executed.

If left_trigger_times < 0, then it means infinity times.


provides /fuji reload to reload configs.


provides /test command only for test purpose. (Disable this by default, and you don't need to enable this unless you know what you are doing)


provides /hat command


provides /fly command


provides /god command


provides multi-language support for your players. (Disable this module will force all the players to use the default language)

  • The default language is en_us.
  • Respect the player's client-side language-setting.
  • If the player's client-side language-setting is not supported, then use the default language.
  • Lazy-load support, which means if a language is not required, then it will not be loaded.
  • Dynamic-reload support, you need to enable ConfigModule to use reload command.


provides /reply command to quickly reply messages to the player who recently /msg you!


provides /afk command to set your afk status and auto-afk


provides /suicide command.


provides interactive sign command. You can insert // plus commands in any sign, and then right-click it to execute the command quickly.

  • If the sign contains //, then you must press shift to edit this sign
  • You can add some comments before the first //
  • You can use all the four lines to insert // (Every // means one command)
  • Placeholder @u means the user of this sign


provides /seen command.


provides /more command.


provides /extinguish command.


provides /home command.


provides /ping command.


This module hijacks the vanilla system-message so that you can modify any system-message you want. (Actually, you can hijack almost all the language messages in the vanilla en_us.json language file) The system messages including:

  • Player join and leave server message

  • Player advancement message

  • Player death message

  • Player command feedback

  • Player white-list message

  • ...

    module presentation gif


provides /enderchest command.


provides /workbench command.


provides /enchantment command.


provides /grindstone command.


provides /stonecutter command.


provides /anvil command.


provides /bed command.


What is the format of config files?

To make the config files more readable and transparent, we use .json as the config file format. We try our best to avoid the usage of .dat format (The vanilla minecraft data file format which needs an NBTExplorer to view and edit).

Where are the config files?

All the config files are inside config/fuji/ directory so that you don't need to find out where the config files are.

How to update to a newer version?

Normally, the newer version will generate missing configuration keys automatically, but if this doesn't work, you can delete the old config file and restart the server to let the newer version generate the default config file.


This mod uses a low-level permission system, which means that most of the admin commands are required level-permission to use. However, if you really want a command-permission-node for every command, you can use the zero-command-permission module (This module adds a prefix command-permission for ALL commands, even the command is not provided by this mod!).

In other words, most of the commands doesn't require any permission to use, but if you want, you can use ZeroPermissionModule to add a prefix-permission for every command!


For a better server performance and without vanilla sacrifice, we recommend you to use Lithium and Krypton with this mod.

For JVM, we recommended GraalVM, which performs better than OpenJDK.

Here are the JVM arguments we optimized for GraalVM (Reference from papermc and graalvm manual):

java -Xms16G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:G1ReservePercent=15 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages -XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading -jar server.jar --nogui


By default, this mod will output its debug messages into logs/debug.log so that you can know what this mod is doing. You can add -Dfuji.level="INFO" to change the logger level.

Build from source

This mod is written on linux environment, but there are no native-method calls, so you can compile it on any platform.

Clone the source:

$ git clone

Change the working-directory:

$ cd fuji-fabric

Compile the source:

$ ./gradlew build


What is cron expression?

Cron expression is an easy and powerful language used to define when a job should be triggered. You can learn more and generate a cron expression from the generator:

This mod failed to mixin the server at server-startup stage, what should I do?

This mod need fabric-api mod to work, so make sure you have installed fabric-api mod.

Before you enable BetterFakePlayerModule, you need to install carpet mod.

Before you enable ProfilerMoudle, you need to install spark mod.

How can I report bugs or suggest new features?

You can create an issue at the project's github page.


At the early stage of this project, we reference some source and ideas from the following projects:



A mod that provides many essential and useful modules for vanilla survival.

License:The Unlicense


Language:Java 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%