mcicolella / GitHubBackup

A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories with issues and wikis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories with their issues and wikis.

This script is adapted from (which was forked from to support proxy and to retrieve more than 30 issues and authentication via TOKEN.

The following environment variables can be defined to make this script fit to your needs:

Variable Description Default value
GHBU_BACKUP_DIR the directory where the backup files will be generated
GHBU_ORG name of the GitHub organization whose repositories with issues and wikis will be backed up tango-controls
GHBU_GITHOST GitHub hostname
GHBU_PRUNE_OLD backups older than GHBU_PRUNE_AFTER_N_DAYS will be deleted true
GHBU_PRUNE_AFTER_N_DAYS the minimum age in days of backup files to delete 3 (days)
GHBU_SILENT when true, only shows error messages false
GHBU_API GHBU_API: base URI for the GitHub API (default =
GHBU_GIT_CLONE_CMD GHBU_GIT_CLONE_CMD: base command to use to clone GitHub repositories (default = "git clone --quiet --mirror git@${GHBU_GIHOST}:") git clone --quiet --mirror git@${GHBU_GIHOST}:
GHBU_PROXY_SETTINGS Proxy settings for curl command. For instance "-x" ""

Script requires jq; install with apt install jq on Ubuntu.

The script will generate per repository X from the target organization:

  • a tar.gz file containing the git repository X
  • a tar.gz containing the git repository of this X repository's wiki
  • a tar.gz containing a json file with all the issues of repository X

The git repositories are cloned with --mirror option so the result will be quite different from what we get after a classical git clone.
To get a working copy, in your current directory, of a repository which was saved by this backup script, one should extract the tar.gz containing the git repository backup and then execute the following command:
git clone /path/to/your/extracted/git/your_repository.git .

You can use a cron job to run this script. One way to use this script is to create a .github_backuprc file in the home directory of the user which will run the cron, with rwx------ permissions (rwx only for the user since the GitHub API token will be saved into this file). This file will look like the following:

export GHBU_TOKEN=your_token_here
export GHBU_BACKUP_DIR=/where/you/want/your/backups

Here is an example of a crontab you can use to execute the backup script every day at 09:00 am and send an e-mail once the script has completed its work:

# Backup tango-controls GitHub organization
00 09 * * * . /home/my_username/.github_backuprc; /path/to/backup/script/ | mailx -s "[cron-github-backup] tango-controls" >/dev/null 2>&1


A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories with issues and wikis

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%