mchklt / Dark-Shell-V1

Dark-Shell is a Tool for Generating ReverShell File

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dark-Shell: V1


"Dark-Shell" is a versatile and user-friendly penetration testing tool designed to simplify the process of generating Reverse Shells for ethical hacking and security testing purposes. With "Dark-Shell," users can effortlessly create customized Reverse Shells by providing essential parameters such as IP address, port number, output file name, and preferred programming language. ---

πŸ“Œ Installation :

git clone
cd Dark-Shell
# Before Run '' You Should be upldate Python3 and Pip 
chmod +x && ./

πŸ“Œ Usage :

0xPwn1@Arch~$ Dark-Shell
    _____             _           _____ _          _ _ 
    |  __ \           | |         / ____| |        | | |
    | |  | | __ _ _ __| | _______| (___ | |__   ___| | |
    | |  | |/ _` | '__| |/ /______\___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |
    | |__| | (_| | |  |   <       ____) | | | |  __/ | |
    |_____/ \__,_|_|  |_|\_\     |_____/|_| |_|\___|_|_|     

Drink Coffe, Enjoy Generate Shell                  by 0xPwn1                                                                                                 

[~] Enter Your IP:
[~] Enter Your PORT: 4444
[~] Enter Name File (Without Extension): Shell
  ~) - Bash          ~) - Mfikto
  ~) - Perl          ~) - Perl-No-Sh
  ~) - Php           ~) - Rustcat
  ~) - Python        ~) - Netcat
  ~) - Powershell    ~) - Ruby
  ~) - Java          ~) - Groovy
  ~) - Awk           ~) - Nodejs

Choose Your Language: Php
  ~) - php            ~) - php1  ~) - php2
  ~) - php3           ~) - php4  ~) - php5
  ~) - php6           ~) - php7  ~) - php8
  ~) - php9           ~) - phtml ~) - phar

What PHP Version are you using: php
The modified file has been saved as Shell.php

πŸ“œ Credits :

LinkedIn Badge


Dark-Shell is a Tool for Generating ReverShell File


Language:Python 98.4%Language:Shell 1.6%