mchalski / mtls-ambassador-poc

mtls POC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mTLS Ambassador Service

This mTLS Ambassador:

  • stands in front of the Mender API Gateway
  • protects the device API with mTLS by requiring valid mTLS certs on every call
  • checks client certs against a single supplied tenant's CA cert
  • in general - proxies the API calls 1:1 over plain HTTPS
  • with one exception: on auth requests, injects an extra preauthorization call just before forwarding

As a result, mTLS aware devices are automatically accepted into Mender, just on the basis of their valid certs.

The authorization flow is unchanged, auth requests still play a central role, and the client will still obtain a JWT for further communication.

No user action is required though for successful auth (i.e. manual admission, manual preauth).


A standard builder dockerfile is included and two deployment methods:

  • docker-compose
  • k8s

For docker-compose, simply issue docker-compose build and the service is ready to go.

For k8s deployments, there's strictly no need to build anything; it pulls prebuilt docker images, e.g.:


The Ambassador works against the hardcoded backend (parametrize this as an improvement).

You need several pieces of configuration:

  • an mTLS CA certificate in PEM format (=tenant's certificate), e.g.:
    • certs/tenant-ca/,
  • a regular HTTPS server certificate + private key, e.g.:
    • certs/server/server.crt,
    • certs/server/server.key
  • at least one client mTLS certificate signed by the CA + private key for testing, e.g.:
    • certs/tenant-foo.client.1.crt,
    • certs/tenant-foo.client.1.key
    • (these are signed by certs/tenant-ca/
  • a created tenant and a user


The compose setup has limited customizability and is best used for quick test runs - it uses the default certs from certs/ (tenant's CA and server cert/key).

To run:

  1. create your user and tenant
  2. verify/set the env vars in docker-compose.yml: MTLS_MENDER_USER, MTLS_MENDER_PASS, MTLS_MENDER_BACKEND
  3. run docker-compose build
  4. run docker-compose up

The Ambassador is now running at https://localhost:8080.

You should see a successful startup sequence like this:

mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="starting mtls-ambassador" file=main.go func=main.doMain line=34
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="loading config /etc/mtls/config.yaml" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="loading config: ok" file=main.go func=main.doMain.func1 line=62
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="config values:" file=main.go func=main.dumpConfig line=154
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" mender_backend:" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" mender_user:" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" mender_pass: not empty" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" server_cert: /etc/mtls/certs/server/server.crt" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" server_key: /etc/mtls/certs/server/server.key" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" server_key: /etc/mtls/certs/tenant-ca/" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=3
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" listen: 8080" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg=" debug_log: true" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="validating config" file=main.go func=main.validateConfig line=136
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="validating config: ok" file=main.go func=main.validateConfig line=149
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="creating proxy with url" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" li
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="proxy scheme: https, host:" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=34
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="creating proxy: ok" file=proxy.go func=http.NewProxy line=59
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="created client with base url" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Info
f" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:40Z" level=info msg="logging in with user" file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg="logging in: ok" file=auth_provider.go func=app.NewAuthProvider line=31
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=debug msg="token: eyJh.." file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Debugf" line=342
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg="creating server with cert /etc/mtls/certs/server/server.crt and key /etc/mtls/certs/server/server.key"
file=entry.go func="logrus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg="creating cert pool with tenant CA cert: /etc/mtls/certs/tenant-ca/" file=entry.go func="l$
grus.(*Entry).Infof" line=346
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg="creating cert pool: ok" file=server.go func=main.certPool line=71
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg="creating server: ok" file=server.go func=main.NewServer line=44
mtls-ambassador_1  | time="2020-07-22T08:54:42Z" level=info msg=running... file=server.go func="main.(*Server).Run" line=53

Use the provided client certs in certs/ to test it out (with curl or the provided mender-client, see below).

k8s on AWS

Deployment and Service manifests for an AWS deploment are available in /k8s. These support full customizability of your credentials and certificates.

It's assumed that you've correctly configured access to your cluster and are in the right kubernetes context.

Start with creating several secrets which will map to sensitive pod env vars and mounted cert files (values are just default examples - adjust accordingly):

  1. mtls-server-cert
    • corresponds to server's HTTPS cert + key
    • it's a 2 value secret mounted under /etc/mtls/certs/server
    • kubectl create secret generic mtls-server-cert --from-file=certs/server/server.crt --from-file=certs/server/server.key
  2. mtls-tenant-pem
    • corresponds to the tenant's CA cert in PEM format
    • mounted under /etc/mtls/certs/tenant-ca
    • kubectl create secret generic mtls-tenant-ca-pem --from-file certs/tenant-ca/
  3. mender-creds
    • 2 value secret, corresponds to env vars MTLS_MENDER_USER and MTLS_MENDER_PASS (your Ambassador user)
    • kubectl create secret generic mender-creds --from-literal=username='...' --from-literal=password='...'
  4. kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
  5. kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml

Run kubectl get services to obtain the DNS name of your Ambassador instance:

NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                     PORT(S)          AGE
mtls-ambassador-service   LoadBalancer   8080:32075/TCP   1m

Find your pod via kubectl get pods:

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mtls-ambassador-deployment-c9c4b64fc-x742t   1/1     Running   0          1m

Check logs to verify a successful startup:

kubectl logs -f mtls-ambassador-deployment-c9c4b64fc-x742t

2020/06/25 17:54:16 reading config
2020/06/25 17:54:16 logging in to Mender to get mgmt token, user:
2020/06/25 17:54:18 logging in to Mender: success
2020/06/25 17:54:18 starting server
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /ping                     --> main.handlePing (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PUT    /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PATCH  /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] OPTIONS /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] DELETE /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] CONNECT /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] TRACE  /api/devices/*path        --> main.setupMenderApiHandler.func2 (3 handlers)

(Note: the above instructions also hold for minikube deployments, just replace service.yaml with service.minikube.yaml)


For the simplest possible test of your configuration, try the Ambassador's /status probe with curl:

curl --cert  certs/tenant-foo.client.1.crt --key certs/tenant-foo.client.1.key -ivk

* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)                                     [48/847]
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Certificate Status (22):

GET /status HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */


If you see the status message, your client certs correctly validate against the tenant's CA cert. You'll see details of the TLS handshake to confirm it.

To actually test out the proxying and automatic preauth it's best to use an actual device.

We'll use a slightly modified mender bash client (extra/

  1. Setup MENDER_CLIENT_CERT and MENDER_CLIENT_KEY env vars, e.g.:
    • export MENDER_CLIENT_CERT=../mtls-ambassador/certs/tenant-foo.client.1.crt
    • export MENDER_CLIENT_KEY=../mtls-ambassador/certs/tenant-foo.client.1.key
  2. Setup an extra/keys directory for the client:
    • copy $MENDER_CLIENT_KEY as private.key
    • copy a public key extracted from $MENDER_CLIENT_CERT as public.key
    • (/extra has pre-extracted keys for provided client certs)
  3. Setup the correct Ambassador URL, e.g.:
    • export MENDER_SERVER_URL=
  4. Run the client:
    • ./ -t <tenant_token> -d rpi4

The client should pass through authentication, upload inventory and go into deployment polling loop - as usual.

A new accepted device should also appear in the UI.

Service log excerpt:

[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:09 | 200 |  306.205545ms | | POST     "/api/devices/v1/authentication/auth_requests"
2020/06/26 15:17:10 intercepted POST /auth_requests
2020/06/26 15:17:10 client cert details:                                                                                                                                2020/06/26 15:17:10 subject CN=device 1,O=Tenant Foo,ST=Some-State,C=US
2020/06/26 15:17:10 issuer CN=Tenant Foo,O=Tenant Foo,ST=Some-State,C=US                                                                                                2020/06/26 15:17:10 verifying client key
2020/06/26 15:17:10 client key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----                                                                                                              MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxex+WqphwqgkDfPWJZZt
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

2020/06/26 15:17:10 client key matches auth req key
2020/06/26 15:17:10 verifying client key: success
2020/06/26 15:17:10 preauthorizing
2020/06/26 15:17:10 proxying auth request to Mender
[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:10 | 200 |   23.072598ms | | POST     "/api/devices/v1/authentication/auth_requests"
[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:10 | 200 |    5.216645ms | | PATCH    "/api/devices/v1/inventory/device/attributes"
[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:10 | 204 |    9.663014ms | | GET      "/api/devices/v1/deployments/device/deployments/next?artifact_name=release-v1&device_typ$
[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:16 | 204 |    7.888859ms | | GET      "/api/devices/v1/deployments/device/deployments/next?artifact_name=release-v1&device_typ$
[GIN] 2020/06/26 - 15:17:21 | 204 |    5.343698ms | | GET      "/api/devices/v1/deployments/device/deployments/next?artifact_name=release-v1&device_typ$

Implementation notes

k8s AWS config


Ambassador code

  • POC quality - basic separation of concerns, but not great for testability (no interfaces, etc)
  • no unit tests, tested heavily by hand
  • original idea: use gin/gonic, proxy by repacking request manually
    • instead: used net/http ReverseProxy which does that and more
    • e.g. deals with 'hop-by-hop' headers, possibly more conventions
    • double check, but consider using it for production
  • missing functional bits:
    • no revocation support
    • no management API token refresh


mtls POC



Language:Go 84.1%Language:Shell 14.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%Language:Python 0.1%