An experiment with functional programming and 3D graphics using PureScript and WebGL.
A live build can be found here.
I want to learn about functional programming, and I want to learn about 3D graphics. Why not do both, and AWESOME, at the same time?
As this is a hobby project, I don't want to get bogged down in browser compatibility issues. For example, I assume the browser supports "standard" WebGL and make no attempt to deal with the case that it doesn't. However, the intention is that error cases such as context loss should be handled.
This project is built using PureScript (version and the pulp build tool (version 4.4.0):
npm install -g pulp
Then a development server can be started using:
pulp server
On Windows, I have to specify the main module as:
pulp server -m .//Main
This is my first purely functional project, and my first experiment with WebGL. It probably doesn't reflect best practices, but it seems to work...