mccp / starter-wip

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Pixies Starter Static

What does this starter include ?

This starter allows you to quickly start any web application using scss, javascript ES6 with a webpack development server 🔥

Getting started

Clone this repository

$ git clone my-directory
$ cd my-directory

Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Note: this repository includes a yarn.lock file

You're ready to start !


To start webpack development server use :

$ npm run dev

Note: server runs on port 7000 by default

The server listens to every change in .html/.php, .scss and .js files and reloads your browser on save.

Wordpress development

Webpack-dev-server allows you to set up a proxy to have live reload on wordpress theme development. To enable this feature you just have to uncomment those lines in webpack.config.js

proxy: {
        '/path_to_folder': {
        target: settings.proxy

Then change proxy variable in settings.js to your vhost name.

External URL

You can specify your ip address to locally access your application from any external device in settings.js

Note: type ipconfig in your terminal and type your ipv4 address

HTTPS support

Set either https support or not depending on your needs. Just set https variable to true in settings.js to enable this feature. (false by default)


To create distribution folder use :

$ npm run build

It creates a /dist folder at directory root. All your file calls should point on distributed files

It also minify your distribution files. Keep it in mind for great performance.


This starter embed some cool features that you may be willing to use on development :)


Every .scss file should be imported in app.scss

@import "_project/00_base/*";
@import "_project/01_components/*";
@import "_project/02_modules/*";
@import "_project/03_layout/*";
@import "_project/04_page/*";

Note: Files are globally imported thanks to import-glob-loader

This starter includes some usefull libraries :

  • Bootstrap
  • Normalize
  • Sass-mq


This sass library allows you to define variable breakpoints and simplify media-queries syntax

/* _config/_variables.scss */

$mq-breakpoints: (
  mobile: 640px,
  tablet: 768px,
  desktop: 1024px,
  wide: 1366px,
  xlarge: 1440px
/* _project/_02_modules/_article.scss */

.article {

  width: 100%;

  @include mq($from: tablet, $until: small-desktop) {
    width: 50%;


Full documentation available here

Fonts mixin

You can define all the fonts style you need in _config/_fonts-mixins.scss.

@mixin font-title ($font: $font-regular, $font-size: 1.4rem, $weight : 400, $style: normal, $line-height : 2rem){
    family: $font;
      style: $style;
    size: $font-size;
    weight: $weight;
    line-height: $line-height;

Then call

.title {
  @include font-title();


Every .js file should be imported in app.js file.

This starter includes :

  • Modernizr
  • jQuery
  • And some usefull custom ES6 classes
    • Class to easily handles cookies
    • Class to create animated loader


This class allows you to handle cookies very easily

You can set a cookie on a DOM event (like closing the mandatory cookie band). And launch a callback function either the cookie has been found or not.

import Cookie from '../class/cookie.class'

let cookie = new Cookie({
    is_found: () => {console.log('the cookie has been found')}
    is_not_found: () => {console.log('the cookie hasn't been found)}
$(document).ready(function () {
    // Set the cookie on any DOM event.

Animated Loader

This class makes it easy to display a loader that will disappear only when $(document).ready is triggered

You just need to create a Loader instance :

import Loader from './class/loader.class'

const loader = new Loader({
        devMode: false,
        onInit: () => {}, // Triggers on loader initialization
        afterLoad: () => {} // Triggers when page is loaded

More info on Loader options

Third-party libraries troubleshooting

You may have some incompatibilities between webpack and some well-known third party libraries. Here are listed the fixes we found to use our favourites libraries.


Import snap with this snippet

const Snap = require(`imports-loader?this=>window,fix=>module.exports=0!snapsvg/dist/snap.svg.js`);


importing GSAP will shoot you an error in logs saying that TweenLite is required.

Just add these snippets in webpack.config.js

externals: {
    'TweenLite': 'TweenLite'

in config object


TweenLite: "TweenLite"

in webpack.ProvidePlugin instance

Then you can import modules from GSAP by doing

import { TweenMax } from 'gsap'


  • Loader.class.js on_loading callback
  • Some utils & js snippets
  • Usefull CSS Classes
  • External server URL (--host ip?)

Made with 💛 at Pixies Agency



Language:CSS 55.3%Language:JavaScript 42.5%Language:HTML 2.2%