mccoymd / snp2sim

Molecular Simulation of Somatic Variation

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Molecular Simulation of Protein Structure Variants Questions: Matthew McCoy - mdm299 "at"

Installation Instructions

The SNP2SIM workflow is a Python script which controls the execution of molecular simulations to generate variant specific structural scaffolding for small molecule docking. The script runs on a linux operating system and controls the execution of third party software detailed below.

Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics (NAMD)

NAMD is used to execute the molecular dynamics simulations, and can be downloaded from The binaries should be added to the users PATH environment variable as "namd2".

Alternatively, the user can specify the location of the executable using the --NAMDpath "path to NAMD binary" command line option.

Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD)

VMD is used to maniputulate and analyze protein structure files and can be downloaded from The binaries should be added to the users PATH environment variable as "vmd".

Alternatively, the user can specify the location of the executable using the --VMDpath "path to VMD binary" command line option.

AutoDock Vina and AutoDockTools

AutoDock Vina is used for the small molecule binding simulations and can be downloaded from The AutoDock Vina executable should be added to the users PATH environment variable as "vina".

Alternatively, the user can specify the location of the executable using the --VINApath "path to AutoDock Vina binary" command line option.

From the included AutoDock Tools, the python wrapper script "pythonsh" should be added to to the users PATH environment

AutoDockTools scripts and should be installed to directory path /opt/mgltools_x86_64Linux2_1.5.6/MGLToolsPckgs/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/

Alternatively, the user can specify the location of the pythonsh executable
can be specified using the --PYTHONSHpath "path to pythonsh" command line option and the lovation of the Ulititys24 folder included with the AutoDock Tools distribution can be specified with the --ADTpath "path to Utilities24 directory command line option.

R dependencies

The varScaffold module and varAnalysis modules use R scripts to generate visualizations and cluster MD trajectories. Along with the base installation of R, the following packages are necessary dependencies for the modules:

varScaffold dependencies: data.table, ggplot2, plotly, htmlwidgets, fpc

varAnalysis dependencies: shiny, ggplot2, highcharter, viridis, plotly, webshot

Example Usage

Usage:python ""options""

The workflow is configured to store intermediate files and results in a predefined directory structure. If the required trajectory/scaffold files are not present in the snp2sim directory, they must be specified through the command line.

The files used to run a case study using PD-L1 are provided in the "example" directory.

Example File Structure

└── variantSimulations
    ├── Protein1
    │   ├── Variant1
    │   │   ├── bin
    │   │   │   └── scripts.tcl
    │   │   ├── config
    │   │   │   ├── config.yaml
    │   │   │   └── data.csv
    │   │   ├── results
    │   │   │   ├── drugBinding
    │   │   │   │   ├── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldNumber.library.drug.trial.log
    │   │   │   │   └── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldNumber.library.drug.trial.pdbqt
    │   │   │   ├── scaffold
    │   │   │   │   ├── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldID.log
    │   │   │   │   ├── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldID_cl1.scaffold.pdb
    │   │   │   │   ├── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldID_cl2.scaffold.pdb
    │   │   │   │   ├── Protein1.Variant1.scaffoldID_cl3.scaffold.pdb
    │   │   │   │   ├── cluster_by_frame.csv
    │   │   │   │   └── cluster_figures
    │   │   │   │       ├── cluster_pca.jpg
    │   │   │   │       ├── cluster_pca_centroids.jpg
    │   │   │   │       └── clustering_3d.html
    │   │   │   └── trajectory
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.coor
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.dcd
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.log
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.coor
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.coor.old
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.vel
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.vel.old
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.xsc
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.restart.xsc.old
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.vel
    │   │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.0.xsc
    │   │   │       └── Protein1.Variant1.0.xst
    │   │   └── structures
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.UNSOLVATED.pdb
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.UNSOLVATED.psf
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.pdb
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.psf
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.wb.log
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.wb.pdb
    │   │       ├── Protein1.Variant1.wb.psf
    │   │       └── Protein1.template.pdb
    │   ├── Variant2
    │   ├── Variant3
    │   └── analysis
    │       ├── DrugLibrary_Variant1_Variant2
    │       └── Variant1_Variant2_Variant3
    │           ├── binding_structures
    │           ├── figures
    │           │   └── drugLibrary
    │           │       ├── default_figures.png
    │           │       ├── heatmap.html
    │           │       └── heatmap.png
    │           ├──
    │           └── vinaSummary_Protein1.txt
    ├── Protein2
    └── Protein3

Generating Structural Trajectories using varMDsim

Input Files

The input file is a single chain of a PDB structure.

Command line options

WT simulation note: If the name used as the --protein already exists in the output directory, the --newStruct option is not necessary and the workflow will utilize the configureation files that have been previously generated.

python --mode varMDsim --protein PDL1 --varResID 115 --varAA T --newStruct example/PDL1.Vtype.pdb --simLength 0.1

Config file options

General options:

# General options
 # varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch, or varAnalysis
mode: varMDsim

 #Name of protein system
protein: PDL1

 #Variant as "wt" or "x###x" - (OPTIONAL for varAnalysis)

#varResID + varAA override variant field. If one is filled, the other must be filled, or variant field used
 #variant residue ID from PDB template
varResID: 115

 #amino acid to change
varAA: T

 #if Run is on CGC platform, move pdb and log to snp2sim root for processing

runDIR: /Path/To/SNP2SIM/Working/Dir/

#Overwrite previous run with same protein name.

varMDsim specific options:

# Mode specific options

# varMDsim options

 #path to cleaned PDB file (protein structure w/ cannonical aa)
newStruct: example/PDL1.Vtype.pdb

 #varTraj simulation length in ns
simLength: 0.1

 #amino acid to change

 #number of processors to run simulation

 #output summary PDB trajectory only

 #Only generate initial structures, without MD simulation

Output files

PROTEIN refers to the value of the --protein command line option. The module will output tcl scripts for the generation of the solvated protein structure in the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/bin/" directory.

NAMD configs are output to the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/config/" directory.

NAMD input structure files (solvated psf and pdb files) are output to the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/structures/" directory.

VARIANT refers to the concatenated values of --varResID and --varAA

NAMD trajectory results are found in the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/VARIANT/trajectory" directory.

Generating Variant Scaffolds using varScaffold

Input Files

NAMD output, if it exists in the file structure defined by the --protein --varResID and --varAA command line options.

The input can also be a list of PDB formatted trajectory files using the --clustPDBtraj command line option.

Command line options

python --mode varScaffold --protein PDL1 --varResID 115 --varAA T --scaffID bindingRes

Config file options

General options:

# General options
 # varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch, or varAnalysis
mode: varScaffold

 #Name of protein system
protein: PDL1

 #Variant as "wt" or "x###x" - (OPTIONAL for varAnalysis)

#varResID + varAA override variant field. If one is filled, the other must be filled, or variant field used
 #variant residue ID from PDB template
varResID: 115

 #amino acid to change
varAA: T

 #if Run is on CGC platform, move pdb and log to snp2sim root for processing

runDIR: /Path/To/SNP2SIM/Working/Dir/

#Overwrite previous run with same protein name.

varScaffold specific options:

# varScaffold

 #unique identifier for run
scaffID: pdl_scaff_1

 #Use PDB trajectories (possibly from singleCGC runs)

 #pdb trajectory files to import, list one after another

#Cluster Parameters - follow VMD atomselection format
 #Residues to superimpose trajectory 
alignmentResidues: backbone and resid 19 to 131
 #Residues to consider when clustering trajectory
clusterResidues: backbone and resid 19 20 54 56 66 68 115 116 117 121 122 123 124 125

 #use a table of structural features to perform clustering, otherwise use a pairwise distance matrix
featureTableMethod: true
 #if mds method used, path to pairwise RMSD table, otherwise automatically generated

 #create a script that colors the cluster residues in VMD by cluster
colorTrajectory: true

Output files

The output files include a representative PDB for each cluster, as well as a log file with the cluster assignments for all trajectory structures are stored in the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/VARIANT/scaffold" directory.

Generating Small Molecule Docking Results using drugSearch

Input Files

The drugSearch module takes a list of PDB formatted structures, as well as a reference structure used to define the search space location and dimensions (provided in the config). The user can also specify residues to use

Command line options

python --mode drugSearch --protein PDL1 --varResID 115 --varAA T --bindingTemplate example/PDL1.Vtype --newBindingConfig example/pdl1SearchSpace.txt --drugLibrary pdl1-SMI --inputScaff example/exampleResults/PDL1.115T.bindingRes.cl1.scaffold.pdb example/exampleResults/PDL1.115T.bindingRes.cl2.scaffold.pdb

Config file options

General options:

# General options
 # varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch, or varAnalysis
mode: drugSearch

 #Name of protein system
protein: PDL1

 #Variant as "wt" or "x###x" - (OPTIONAL for varAnalysis)

#varResID + varAA override variant field. If one is filled, the other must be filled, or variant field used
 #variant residue ID from PDB template
varResID: 115

 #amino acid to change
varAA: T

 #if Run is on CGC platform, move pdb and log to snp2sim root for processing

runDIR: /Path/To/SNP2SIM/Working/Dir/

#Overwrite previous run with same protein name.

drugBinding specific options:

# drugSearch

 #path to PDB file used to create search space to align scaffold

 #exhaustiveness parameter of autodock vina
vinaExh: 50

 #path to new binding config file

 #Automatically determine the search box based on the 
autoSearchSpace: true

 #list of residues that comprise the search space if autoSearchSpace is true, e.i 22 21 19 103 113 125
searchResidues: 54 117 115 56 123 113 66 68 58 121 63 122 76 73

 #list of residue numbers in flexible binding pocket, e.i 22 21 19 103 113 125
flexBinding: 54 117 115 56 123 113 66 68 58 121 63 122 76 73

 #name of snp2sim drug library
drugLibrary: pdl1-SMI 

 #path to single drug PDBQT

 #pdb scaffold files to import, list one after another
 - example/exampleResults/PDL1.115T.bindingRes.cl1.scaffold.pdb 
 - example/exampleResults/PDL1.115T.bindingRes.cl2.scaffold.pdb

 #only bind single variant scaffolds

 #path to dir with ligand PDBs, which will be converted to drug library

 #number of times to run the docking simulation, to get an uncertainty measurement of the binding energy
numTrials: 10

Output files

The log files containing the binding affities for the top ligand poses, as well as the PDBQT files that contain the coordinates of the ligand and flexable residues are depositied in the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/results/VARIANT/drugBinding" directory.

Additionally, the PDBQT files used for the AutoDock Vina simulations can be found in the "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/results/VARIANT/scaffold" directory.

Analyzing the results of the workflow

Input Files

Results of drugBinding are searched in the drugBinding results directory for each variant, along with scaffold results.

Config file options

General options:

# General options
 # varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch, or varAnalysis
mode: varAnalysis

 #Name of protein system
protein: PDL1

runDIR: /Path/To/SNP2SIM/Working/Dir/

#Overwrite previous run with same protein name.

varAnalysis specific options:

# varAnalysis

 #Variants to be used in variants (must have a results/variant/drugBinding directory with .pdbqt results)
 #Format ###AA (### = residue number and AA = variant amino acid) or wt
 #must include wt
  - 53P
  - 68L
  - 86W
  - 94M
  - 95R
  - 97V
  - 115T
  - wt

 #Analyze results from specific drug libraries
analysisDrugLibrary: pdl1-LMW

 #Analyze results from a specific ligand

 #Enable if using scaffolding results from old versions of SNP2SIM

 #Enable if using drugBinding results from custom PDB proteins, and not varScaffold results

Output files

The output files can be found in "variantSimulations/PROTEIN/results/analysis/list_of_variants_and_drugs". The results include a summary file with the drug binding results in tsv format. Select plots of the results are included in the Figures folder of the analysis directory, along with a script which starts an RShiny app with the drugBinding results loaded to viusalize interactively.

Command Line and Config Options:


--mode "string" select which snp2sim module to run appropriate values: varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch

--protein "string" user specified name for simulation used in naming output directories and file


--varResID "integer" Position in input PDB file to mutate to varAA

--varAA "character" Single letter code for one of 20 canonical amino acids to mutate varResID

--NAMDpath "string" path to NAMD executatble

--VMDpath "string" path to VMD executable

--VINApath "string" path to AutoDock Vina execuatable

--PYTHONSHpath "string" path to AutoDockTools script PYTHONSH

--ATDpath "string" path th AutoDockTools Utilitys directory

--cgcRun If flag is set, output files will be copied to working directory (for output on CGC platform app)

Config template

# General options
 # varMDsim, varScaffold, drugSearch, or varAnalysis

 #Name of protein system

 #Variant as "wt" or "x###x" - (OPTIONAL for varAnalysis)

#varResID + varAA override variant field. If one is filled, the other must be filled, or variant field used
 #variant residue ID from PDB template

 #amino acid to change

 #if Run is on CGC platform, move pdb and log to snp2sim root for processing


#Overwrite previous run with same protein name.

#Paths to executables. Ignore if using Docker.

 #path to VMD executable

 #path to AutoDock Vina executable

 #path to NAMD executable

 #path to autodock tools python executable

 #path to autodock utilities directory

Options specific to snp2sim modules


Usage Notes: If a variant is now specified using --varResID and --varAA, the simulation will run on the unmutated structure

Module Options --newStruct "file path" PDB file containing only the protein structure

--simLength "real number"
  length of the NAMD simulation in nanoseconds

--simID "string" (optional - default to random numeric ID)
  Unique identier for the simulation run for generating
  multiple independent trajectories for input to varScaffold

--simProc "integer" (optional - default is to run on all processors)
  number of processors to run NAMD simulation

--singleRun (optional)
  flag that will generate PDB trajectories from the results.
  Used to run SNP2SIM

Config template

# varMDsim options

 #path to cleaned PDB file (protein structure w/ cannonical aa)

 #varTraj simulation length in ns

 #amino acid to change

 #number of processors to run simulation

 #output summary PDB trajectory only

 #Only generate initial structures, without MD simulation


Usage Notes: The config file specifies the alignment and clustering parameters

Module Options

--scaffID "string"
  Specifies naming of scaffolding output logfile containing
  cluster assignements for alignment and clustering parameters

--clustPDBtraj (optional)
  if PDB clusters generated from varMDsim --singleRun are used as input
  this flag must be set and trajectory files specified with --loadPDBtraj

--loadPDBtraj "file path(s)" (optional)
  paths to PDB trajectory files, separated by single space

Config template

# varScaffold

 #unique identifier for run

 #Use PDB trajectories (possibly from singleCGC runs)

 #pdb trajectory files to import, list one after another

#Cluster Parameters - follow VMD atomselection format
 #Residues to superimpose trajectory 
 #Residues to consider when clustering trajectory

 #use a table of structural features to perform clustering, otherwise use a pairwise distance matrix
 #if mds method used, path to pairwise RMSD table, otherwise automatically generated

 #create a script that colors the cluster residues in VMD by cluster


Usage Notes: This module can use a manually defined search space provided to --newBindingConfig defined in reference to a template structure (original input PDB) Values can be determined using methods specified in the AutoDock Tutorial

Binding Config:

"center_x = ""x coordinate""

"center_y = ""y coordinate""

"center_z = ""z coordinate""

"size_x = ""dimension of x""

"size_y = ""dimension of y""

"size_z = ""dimension of z""

This search space can also be automatically determined given a list of residues to include in the search space.

Additionally, the flexable residues can be supplied to --flexBinding as a sting of integers corresponding to the numeric residue ID of binding residues

Multiple drugs can be bound by copying ligand PDBQT files into ./snp2sim/drugLibraries/

Module Options: --bindingTemplate "file path" path to PDB file used to specify AutoDock Vina search space

--newBindingConfig "file path"
  path to config file defining search space for AutoDock Vina

--flexBinding "file path"
  path to file containing a line of intergers corresponding to
  the residue ID of the binding residues.

--drugLibrary "string"
  Name of drug library in snp2sim/drugLibraries or identifier for
  ligands input through the command line

--singleDrug "file path"
  Path to PDBQT formated ligand file

--inputScaff "file path(s)" (optional)
  path to PDB files of variant specific scaffolds

--vinaExh "integer" (optional - default 50)
  used to specifiy exhaustiveness of AutoDock Vina search

Config template

 #path to PDB file used to create search space to align scaffold

 #exhaustiveness parameter of autodock vina

 #path to new binding config file

 #Automatically determine the search box based on the 

 #list of residues that comprise the search space if autoSearchSpace is true, e.i 22 21 19 103 113 125

 #list of residue numbers in flexible binding pocket, e.i 22 21 19 103 113 125

 #name of snp2sim drug library

 #path to single drug PDBQT

 #pdb scaffold files to import, list one after another

 #only bind single variant scaffolds

 #path to dir with ligand PDBs, which will be converted to drug library

 #number of times to run the docking simulation, to get an uncertainty measurement of the binding energy


Usage Notes: The input to the analysis module is a list of variants to analyze, as well as optionally specific drugs or drug libraries to include.

Config template

# varAnalysis

 #Variants to be used in variants (must have a results/variant/drugBinding directory with .pdbqt results)
 #Format ###AA (### = residue number and AA = variant amino acid) or wt
 #must include wt
  - list
  - of
  - variants

 #Analyze results from specific drug libraries

 #Analyze results from a specific ligand

 #Enable if using scaffolding results from old versions of SNP2SIM

 #Enable if using drugBinding results from custom PDB proteins, and not varScaffold results


Molecular Simulation of Somatic Variation


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