mcassano / showclix-search

Javascript Library for ShowClix Search API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Javascript Client for ShowClix Search API

This is a basic JavaScript wrapper around the ShowClix REST API, specifically, the search part of the ShowClix REST API. It relies on JSONP and requires jQuery to make handling JSONP sane.

#Use it

Here is a trivial example of the main method in the library, Gets the value of an input box, fires off a search, and then logs the results.

var phrase = document.getElementById("search_input").value;
var api = new EventSearchAPI(1);, null, "date", 0, function(events) {
    for (i in events) {

For complete examples, check out the examples directory.


new EventSearchAPI(int partner)

Instantiate a new EventSearchAPI object. It takes a single paramter to identify the partner account to search. phrase, int category, string sort, int page, function onSuccess)

keywords string search phrase to search

category int id of category/genre to search (see EventSearchAPI.getCategories())

sort string options: ("name", "date", "popularity")

page int which page of results are we interested in (default 0)

onSuccess function(events, phrase, page) callback called upon successful completion of a search. events is an array of object literals containing event information


Javascript Library for ShowClix Search API