mcanalesmayo / leetcode-problems

My solutions for problems in LeetCode

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My solutions for problems in LeetCode


So far:

Problem Difficulty Faster than % of all submissions Space usage better than % of all submissions Date of submission
Two Sum Easy 89.19% NA 15th Dec 2018
Add Two Numbers Medium 99.53% NA 15th Dec 2018
String to Integer (atoi) Medium 98.49% NA 15th Dec 2018
Length of Longest Substring Medium 79.48% NA 30th Dec 2018
Container With Most Water Medium 100% NA 1st Jan 2019
Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 67.07% NA 1st Jan 2019
Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 100% NA 2nd Jan 2019
Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium 55.66% NA 6th Jan 2019
House Robber III Medium 99.77% NA 7th Jan 2019
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 92.47% NA 8th Jan 2019
Validate Stack Sequences Medium 100% NA 9th Jan 2019
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium 21.03% NA 10th Jan 2019
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Medium 16.67% NA 14th Jan 2019
Delete Columns to Make Sorted II Medium 100% NA 16th Jan 2019
Set Matrix Zeroes Medium 39.51% NA 17th Jan 2019
Lexicographical Numbers Medium 63.16% NA 18th Jan 2019
Check Completeness of a Binary Tree Medium 95.57% NA 19th Jan 2019
Top K Frequent Element Medium 99.13% NA 23rd Jan 2019
Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Easy 91.37% NA 24th Jan 2019
Flood Fill Easy 100% NA 28th Jan 2019
Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy 83.87% NA 28th Jan 2019
Shifting Letters Medium 95.56% NA 29th Jan 2019
Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Medium 100% NA 29th Jan 2019
Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Easy 100% NA 29th Jan 2019
Delete Operation for Two Strings Medium 80.82% NA 29th Jan 2019
Max Increase to Keep City Skyline Medium 100% NA 30th Jan 2019
4 Sum II Medium 70.59% 50% 2nd Feb 2019
Reverse Words in a String III Easy 36.11% 44.44% 3rd Feb 2019
Partition List Medium 100% 41.04% 6th Feb 2019
Remove Linked List Elements Easy 100% 22.13% 7th Feb 2019
Longest Palindrome Easy 22.90% 14.85% 7th Feb 2019
Online Stock Span Medium 25.35% 100% 9th Feb 2019
Array Nesting Medium 52.17% 17.86% 9th Feb 2019
Find Pivot Index Easy 51.72% 31.58% 10th Feb 2019
Reshape the Matrix Easy 30.45% 24.66% 11th Feb 2019
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Medium 39.13% 100% (Bug) 12th Feb 2019
Number of Islands Medium 44.34% 100% (Bug) 12th Feb 2019
Hamming Distance Easy 36.91% 100% (Bug) 13th Feb 2019
Path Sum II Medium 63.14% 100% (Bug) 13th Feb 2019
Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 28.57% 100% (Bug) 14th Feb 2019
Average of Levels in Binary Tree Easy 15.17% 100% (Bug) 15th Feb 2019
Is Subsequence Medium 61.49% 100% (Bug) 15th Feb 2019
Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium 53.45% 100% (Bug) 16th Feb 2019
Jewels and Stones Easy 38.64% 100% (Bug) 16th Feb 2019
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy 46.14% 100% (Bug) 18th Feb 2019
Counting Bits Medium 66.67% 100% (Bug) 18th Feb 2019
Reverse String Easy 40.40% 100% (Bug) 18th Feb 2019
Largest Number Medium 92.39% 100% (Bug) 18th Feb 2019
Valid Anagram Easy 63.83% 100% (Bug) 19th Feb 2019
First Unique Character in a String Easy 54.50% 100% (Bug) 19th Feb 2019
Sort Characters by Frequency Medium 13.94% 6.25% 20th Feb 2019
Group Anagrams Medium 59.57% 41.82% 21st Feb 2019
Symmetric Tree Easy 54.50% 70% 21st Feb 2019
Longest Univalue Path Easy 63.41% 94.12% 23rd Feb 2019
Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium 88.03% 74.07% 24th Feb 2019
N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Easy 100% 8.51% 24th Feb 2019
Max Area of Island Medium 69.11% 52.38% 25th Feb 2019
Product of Array Except Self Medium 100% 81.63% 26th Feb 2019
Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 58.41% 20.91% 27th Feb 2019
Course Schedule Medium Failed in last test case Failed in last test case 2nd Mar 2019
Combination Sum II Medium TLE TLE 4th Mar 2019
Linked List Cycle Easy 61.44% 97.11% 5th Mar 2019
Linked List Cycle II Medium 50.55% 60.53% 5th Mar 2019
Sliding Window Maximum Hard 94.10% 100% 6th Mar 2019
Unique Paths Medium 88.69% 95.52% 7th Mar 2019
Unique Paths II Medium 93.22% 56.10% 7th Mar 2019
Search a 2D Matrix II Medium 94.15% 84.21% 9th Mar 2019
Search a 2D Matrix Medium 79.63% 33.33% 9th Mar 2019
Single Number Easy 92.41% 73.63% 10th Mar 2019
K Closest Points to Origin Medium 72.51% 66.38% 11th Mar 2019
Missing Number Easy 89.63% 73.33% 12th Mar 2019
Move Zeroes Easy 93.69% 86.28% 12th Mar 2019
Monotonic Array Easy 97.26% 76.67% 13th Mar 2019
Word Pattern Easy 83.61% 47.37% 14th Mar 2019
Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 78.99% 92.86% 16th Mar 2019
Add One Row to Tree Medium 94.00% 100% 17th Mar 2019
Ransom Note Easy 93.08% 90.48% 19th Mar 2019
Target Sum Medium 62.34% 100% 20th Mar 2019
Valid Parentheses Easy 92.41% 65.45% 21st Mar 2019


My solutions for problems in LeetCode

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 78.3%Language:Java 21.7%