mbunse / OpenStreetMapProject

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OpenStreetMap Project

The main project file is UND_Project_3.html.

Auditing of data is performed by:

> python audit.py

Two output files will be produced. investigate_result.txt shows the XML tree elements for some specified elements (see INVESTIGATE_STREET, INVESTIGATE_HOUSENUMBER and INVESTIGATE_AMENITY). The other file produced is audit_result.txt. This file lists all entries deviating from the expectated patterns. This cleaning.py code comes with a update_tag function, that updates XML elements according to the findings in the audit phase which ar kept in dictionaries (see MAPPING MAPPING_HOUSENUMBER, MAPPING_AMENITY).

Convert osm to json including updates according to the findings during the audit phase using:

> python import_data.py

An file schwabach.osm.json will be created.

Then, import the json file to MongoDB:

> mongoimport.exe /file:schwabach.osm.json /d osm /c schwabach

Or in PowerShell:

> & 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongoimport.exe' "/file:schwabach.osm.json" "/d osm" "/c schwabach"

To run the analysis code open the jupyter notebook UND - Project 3.ipynb.

To delete the collection form the database, start mongo and enter:




Language:HTML 71.3%Language:Jupyter Notebook 25.7%Language:Python 3.0%