mbruton0426 / GalicianSRL

Collection of scripts used to create SRL datasets for Galician and Spanish using a verbal indexing method, as well as fine-tuned BERT and XLM-R models for SRL on each language

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BERTie Bott's Every Flavor Labels: A Tasty Guide to Developing a Semantic Role Labeling Model for Galician

This repository was published as part of my Master's thesis in Language Technology. It created the first publically available Galician SRL dataset, a Spanish SRL dataset utilizing a verbal indexing method introduced as part of the work, and 24 SRL models. Fully trained models are available on HuggingFace alongside more specific information on each model.

Reproducing Dataset Development

To reproduce the development of the Galician Dataset, both the CTG UD annotated corpus and the TreeGal UD annotated corpus CoNLL files must be downloaded. Save files as, "data/gl_ctg-ud-dev.conllu", "data/gl_ctg-ud-test.conllu", "data/gl_ctg-ud-train.conllu", "data/gl_treegal-ud-test.conllu", and "data/gl_treegal-ud-train.conllu". Utilizing the create_dataset_galician.py script from this repository, you can then run the command:

python create_dataset_galician.py

This combines all sentences from both corpora, removes duplicates, indexes verbs, and assigns arguments. A final Dataset will be saved locally to "data/final_gal_ds.hf". This may differ from the GalicianSRL Dataset published on HuggingFace as some manual validation was performed on the published Dataset.

To reproduce the Spanish Dataset, the 2009 CoNLL Spanish data must be downloaded. Save files as, "data/CoNLL2009-ST-Spanish-development.txt", "data/CoNLL2009-ST-Spanish-train.txt", and "data/CoNLL2009-ST-evaluation-Spanish.txt". Utilizing the create_dataset_spanish.py script from this repository, you can then run the command:

python create_dataset_spanish.py

This utilizes only information contained in the 2009 CoNLL Spanish data and indexes verbs. Three final Datasets will be saved locally to "data/spa_srl_ds_dev.hf", "data/spa_srl_ds_train.hf", and "data/spa_srl_ds_test.hf". To preserve the dev/train/test data splits, these Datasets were then manually combined to created the SpanishSRL Dataset published on HuggingFace, but they are able to be used independently as well.

Reproducing Model Development

To reproduce all models at once, all 16 scripts located in the scripts folder within this repository must be downloaded and stored locally in "scripts/". A folder "outputs/" should be created as well, as this is where results for each model will be output as "outputs/[model_name].txt". The train.sh script can then be utilized by running the command:

sh train.sh

If only specific models need reproduced, dependencies must be manually installed using the command:

pip install transformers==4.27.4 
pip install datasets==2.11.0 
pip install evaluate==0.4.0 
pip install seqeval==1.2.2

The proper script can then be located within the scripts folder and ran using the command:

python [model_name].py

Python scripts are named using the following convention: [finetuning_language][pretraining_language][base_model]. finetuning_language can appear as "gal" for Galician or "spa" for Spanish. pretraining_language can appear as "en" for English, "pt" for Portuguese, "sp" for Spanish, or some combination of the three. base_model can appear as "mBERT" or "XLM-R" each refering to their respective base model. The Spanish model scripts produce both the Spanish model for which they are named, and their dependant Galician model.

How to Cite

    title = "{BERT}ie Bott{'}s Every Flavor Labels: A Tasty Introduction to Semantic Role Labeling for {G}alician",
    author = "Bruton, Micaella  and
      Beloucif, Meriem",
    editor = "Bouamor, Houda  and
      Pino, Juan  and
      Bali, Kalika",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Singapore",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.671",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.671",
    pages = "10892--10902",
    abstract = "In this paper, we leverage existing corpora, WordNet, and dependency parsing to build the first Galician dataset for training semantic role labeling systems in an effort to expand available NLP resources. Additionally, we introduce verb indexing, a new pre-processing method, which helps increase the performance when semantically parsing highly-complex sentences. We use transfer-learning to test both the resource and the verb indexing method. Our results show that the effects of verb indexing were amplified in scenarios where the model was both pre-trained and fine-tuned on datasets utilizing the method, but improvements are also noticeable when only used during fine-tuning. The best-performing Galician SRL model achieved an f1 score of 0.74, introducing a baseline for future Galician SRL systems. We also tested our method on Spanish where we achieved an f1 score of 0.83, outperforming the baseline set by the 2009 CoNLL Shared Task by 0.025 showing the merits of our verb indexing method for pre-processing.",


Collection of scripts used to create SRL datasets for Galician and Spanish using a verbal indexing method, as well as fine-tuned BERT and XLM-R models for SRL on each language

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 98.8%Language:Shell 1.2%