mboya / engie-cc

Your task is to implement a Concern (or any comparable pattern) that can be re-used in multiple models (i.e. in the ones given above) to encapsulate the logic necessary to store custom attributes

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Engie Code Challenge

This Code Challenge is to show the implementation on a concern within a rails app that multiple models can use in order to store custom attributes without having to do a DB change to add that attribute.

How to:

Clone app

git clone git@github.com:mboya/engie-cc.git

Setup the app locally

create and setup the DB - this is running SQLite at the moment

rake db:create db:migrate


To check if the app has good/working tests, run:

rails test

to run a specific file test

rails test test/models/customer_test.rb

to run a specific file test block

rails test test/models/customer_test.rb:17

Test out on console

rails console

app has been setup up so that once the above code has been run it will automatically connect to the defined database

>> Customer.create({name: 'customer', phone_number: '555-555-555'})
>> customer = _
>> customer.set_custom_attribute(:email, 'customer@engie.com')
>> customer.save

The above quesry will be able to create a customer and add a custom attribute and value to the records. Other functions can be run against the same record to manipulate and pull data from it


>> customer = Customer.find 1
>> customer.get_custom_attribute(:email)


>> customer = Customer.find 1
>> customer.remove_custom_attribute(:email)

to view all the keys/custom attributes available against a specific record

>> customer = Custome.find 1
>> customer.custom_attributes_keys?

and also to check if a key exists within a record

>> customer = Customer.find 1
>> customer.custom_attribute?(:email)

and for search, this can work across multiple models that are linked to the concern

>> Customer.find_by_custom_attribute(:email, 'customer@engie.com')


Your task is to implement a Concern (or any comparable pattern) that can be re-used in multiple models (i.e. in the ones given above) to encapsulate the logic necessary to store custom attributes


Language:Ruby 93.6%Language:Dockerfile 5.7%Language:Shell 0.7%