mboeh / env_settings

Ruby library for reading and validating configuration from ENV (or any other hash)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This gem provides simple validation and parsing of ENV-based application settings for Ruby. Using ENV directly in application code is simple and easy, but it has unexpected pitfalls.

Pitfalls of ENV

Late failure:

Mailer.send_email(..., reply_to: ENV['EMAIL_REPLY_TO'])

This value could be an empty string or nil. Does that cause an error? Who knows? Will you get paged 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week after deploying when it turns out someone forgot to set the variable? Who knows?

Mailer.send_email(..., reply_to: ENV.fetch('EMAIL_REPLY_TO'))

Well, at least you'll probably get paged in the 1 minute/hour range. Setting up a codebase with a lot of this is annoying, though, because it starts to feel like a game of whack-a-mole -- set one variable and then poke around until the app crashes again, find out what the value is supposed to be, and repeat.


default_bcc = ENV.fetch('EMAIL_DEFAULT_BCC').split(/,/)
Mailer.send_email(..., default_bcc: default_bcc)
# somewhere else...
alert_emails = ENV.fetch('ALERT_EMAILS').split(/\s*,\s*/)
Mailer.send_email(..., to: alert_emails)

There's no standard way to represent a list in an environment variable -- certainly not one that anyone pays attention to. EnvSettings has a reasonable default (/\s*,\s*/) that you can use everywhere.

feature_enabled = ENV['FEATURE_FOO'] == "on"
# somewhere else...
feature_enabled = ENV['FEATURE_BAR'].present?
# somewhere else...
feature_enabled = !!ENV['FEATURE_BAZ']

No standard way to represent a boolean, either. EnvSettings provides a reasonable default (any non-blank string -> true, blank string or not set -> false).

Goals and Non-Goals

Goal: drop-in replacement for ENV. EnvSettings produces a hash-like object similar to ENV. It uses the environment variable name as the key. It isn't much prettier than reading directly from ENV, but it's safer, and the environment variable names are greppable.

Non-goal: elegant per-component configuration. I think this is a much better way of writing code than reading from ENV everywhere. If you do this, you can still use EnvSettings as glue to get config values from ENV into your neat config system.

Non-goal: values more structured than a list. If for some reason you need to stuff a hash or JSON or something into an environment variable, you can use the custom method to define whatever parsing logic you want.


Drop-in for ENV:

ENV_SETTINGS = EnvSettings.load do |e|
  e.string "SETTING_NAME"
  e.string "OTHER_SETTING_NAME", default: "good"

# Replace ENV with ENV_SETTINGS in your code. If an unknown key is used, an
# exception will be raised.

Piecemeal extraction:

FooClient.api_credentials = EnvSettings.extract do |e|
    username: e.string("FOO_API_USERNAME"),
    password: e.string("FOO_API_PASSWORD"),

EnvSettings.extract do |e|
  CoolFeature.enabled = e.boolean("FEATURE_COOL_ENABLED", default: false)
  WeirdFeature.enabled = e.boolean("FEATURE_WEIRD_ENABLED", default: false)

Full example:

require 'pp'
require 'env_settings'

fake_env = {
  "FOO_NAME" => "Margo McGee",
  "FOO_EMAIL" => "margo@example.com",
  "FOO_ENABLED" => "on",
  "FOO_SUPER_MODE" => "",
  "FOO_COUNT" => "5",
  "FOO_IDEAS" => "good, bad, kinda okay",
  "FOO_POWER_LEVELS" => "1:2:4:8",
settings = EnvSettings.load(fake_env) do |e|
  e.string "FOO_NAME"
  e.string "FOO_EMAIL"
  # Settings are required by default unless a default value is provided.
  e.string "FOO_TYPE", default: "frob"
  e.number "FOO_COUNT"
  e.number "FOO_RATIO", default: 0.5
  e.boolean "FOO_ENABLED"
  e.boolean "FOO_SUPER_MODE", default: true
  e.list "FOO_IDEAS"
  e.list "FOO_ZONES", default: %w[left right up down]
  e.custom "FOO_POWER_LEVELS" do |v|
    v.nil? ? [] : v.split(":").map(&:to_i).sort
pp settings.to_h

#{"FOO_NAME"=>"Margo McGee",
#  "FOO_EMAIL"=>"margo@example.com",
#  "FOO_TYPE"=>"frob",
#  "FOO_COUNT"=>5,
#  "FOO_RATIO"=>0.5,
#  "FOO_ENABLED"=>true,
#  "FOO_SUPER_MODE"=>false,
#  "FOO_IDEAS"=>["good", "bad", "kinda okay"],
#  "FOO_ZONES"=>["left", "right", "up", "down"],
#  "FOO_POWER_LEVELS"=>[1, 2, 4, 8]}


Ruby library for reading and validating configuration from ENV (or any other hash)

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%