mbdelarosa / 3-column-preview-card-component

Solution for the 3-column Preview Card Component challenge on Frontend Mentor

Home Page:https://mbdelarosa.github.io/3-column-preview-card-component/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend Mentor - 3-column preview card component solution

This is a solution to the 3-column preview card component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements



My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • BEM naming convention

What I learned

Learnings from this challenge:

  • Getting used to writing BEM class names
  • Using the align-self: start property to stop the flex item from taking up the whole available width
    • Used on the SVG images and the Learn More buttons
  • Adding an aria-label on the anchor tags to describe the purpose of the Learn More links (from the WCAG 2.2 Techniques)

Useful resources



Solution for the 3-column Preview Card Component challenge on Frontend Mentor



Language:CSS 56.2%Language:HTML 43.8%