mbauhardt / dotfiles-2

My dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My dotfiles


Current setup:

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Window Manager: dwm
  • Shell: zsh
  • Terminal: alacritty
  • Terminal Multiplexer: tmux
  • Editor: neovim
  • Browser: firefox
  • Music player: ncmpcpp + mopidy
  • Mail: neomutt
  • Chat: weechat + bitblee (IRC+XMPP+Twitter+Telegram) + weechat-matrix (Matrix)

Key bindings

  • dwm
    • cmd+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - switch tags/workspace
    • cmd+Shift+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - move window to selected workspaces
    • cmd+tab - Switch to last used workspace (and back)
    • cmd+period - switch to right monitor
    • cmd+comma - switch to left monitor
    • cmd+Shift+period - switch to right monitor
    • cmd+Shift+comma - switch to left monitor
    • cmd+space - Launcher (rofi)
    • cmd+enter - Put window in focus/master area
    • cmd+Shift+enter - New terminal
    • cmd+j|k - cycle window focus
    • cmd+l|h - resize master window
    • cmd+s - toggle sticky
    • cmd+Shift+backspace - Quit dwm (auto restarts)
    • cmd+Escape - Lock
    • cmd+Shift+Escape - Suspend
    • Layouts:
      • cmd+t - Switch to tiling layout
      • cmd+m - Monocle layout
      • cmd+apostrophe - cycle layouts
      • cmd+Shift+apostrophe - toggle floating
    • Timetracker:
      • cmd+slash - Timetracker
      • cmd+Shift+slash - Timetracker 15 minutes back
      • cmd+Ctrl+Shift+slash - Timetracker 60 minutes back
  • tmux
    • alt+left/right/up/down - Switch pane
    • alt+pageup/pagedown - Switch window
    • ctrl+a (prefix)
      • (number) - Switch window
      • c - New window
      • " - New pane (horizontal split)
      • % - New pane (vertical split)
      • ctrl+a - Switch to last window (and back)
      • ; - Switch to last pane (and back)
      • space - Switch pane layout (cycles through a few), good for turning vertical panes horizontal and vice versa
      • , - Rename window
      • / - Flip/swap
      • x - Kill pane
      • z - zoom pane
      • ! - Break pane (to its own window)
      • l - Clear history
      • r - reload
      • v - copy mode
        • VI bindings (v,y,w,/,hjkl etc..)
      • P - paste buffer
      • Y - copy existing buffer to X clipboard and ~/.vbuf
      • I - Paste from ~/.vbuf (mnemonic: Insert from vim)
      • O - Paste from X clipboard
      • W - Swap window
      • Q - Swap pane
      • M - Move pane (to another window or tmux)
      • F - Fingers mode
  • vim
    • leader is space or comma
    • fzf - fuzzy matcher
      • type :Maps to see all custom keymaps and search
      • ctrl-p or ,o - git files
      • ctrl-f or ,O - all files
      • ctrl-m - marks
      • ctrl-b or ,b - buffers
      • ctrl-g - git commits
      • ,n - lines (buffer)
      • ,N - lines (all)
      • ,r - tags
    • buffers
      • ,= or ctrl-right - next
      • ,- or ctrl-left - previous
      • ,1 - buffer 1, etc..
      • ,, - last buffer
      • <space><space> - last buffer
      • ,e - reload current buffer
      • ,x - close current buffer
      • ,E - reload all buffers
    • building
      • F4 - Build and preview (syncronously) (tex, markdown); pip install . (python)
      • F5 - Build and preview (asyncronously) (tex, markdown); pip install . (python)
    • git (tpope/fugitive)
      • F9 - Commit
      • F10 - Push
    • documentation/navigation
      • ,K - keyword documentation
      • ,ga - Goto assignment (jedi/python)
      • ,gd - Goto definition (jedi/python)
      • ,gu - Show usages (places where it is used) (jedi/python)
    • editing
      • ,_ - strip trailing whitespace
      • tpope/surround.vim
        • csXY - change surround tag X to Y (understand XML tags too)
        • dsX - delete surround tag X
      • visual mode
        • ,s - sort
    • copy/paste
      • ,y - yank selection (to ~/.vbuf and X clipboard)
      • ,p - paste
      • ,P - paste before
    • toggle plugins
      • ,t - Toggle tagbar
      • ,f - Toggle file browser (nerdTree)
      • ,ig - Toggle Indentation Guides
      • ga - show (unicode) character information
    • coc.nvim
      • K - documentation
      • ,d - open diagnostic window
      • ,c - next diagnostic
      • ,C - previous diagnostic
      • gd - goto definition
      • gy - goto type definition
      • gi - goto implementation
      • gr - goto references
      • ,a - codeaction on selection
      • ,F - (re)format
    • miscellaneous
      • ,L - Lost where you are in a file? Show a context clue
  • weechat
    • ctrl+s or ctrl+u - Set unread marker on all windows
    • ctrl+n - Switch to next buffer
    • ctrl+p - Switch to previous buffer
    • alt+a - Switch to buffer with activity
    • alt+0..9 - Switch to buffer
    • F9/F10 - Scroll buffer title
    • F11/F12 - Scroll nick list
    • ctrl+r - Search
      • Enter, ctrl+j, ctrl+m - Stop search
    • alt+= - Disabled filters (hide/join) (alt+- for current buffer)
      • /filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter * - Smart hide/join/filter
    • alt+t - Toggle nick list
      • /key bind meta-t /bar toggle nicklist
    • /mob - Mobile layout
    • /desk - Desktop layout
  • sxiv
    • ctrl+x and:
      • e - Edit in the Gimp
      • r - Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
      • R - Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
      • d - Delete (asks confirmation)
      • n - Copy to nettmp
      • t - Copy to shared/transfer
      • T - Copy to /tmp


My dotfiles


Language:Vim Script 62.9%Language:Shell 13.5%Language:Python 9.9%Language:Vim Snippet 8.1%Language:JavaScript 2.3%Language:Java 1.6%Language:Perl 1.1%Language:C 0.4%Language:AppleScript 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:TeX 0.0%