mbarre / docker-schemacrawler-reporting

Use schemacrawler on docker environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Schemacrawler docker dockercompose elk

📊 Demo

Some Kibana Dashboards visuals produced on top of this project.

lints lints dashboard

💬 Description

Use schemacrawler on docker 🐳 environment :

  • Deploy the entire ELK 7.9.2 stack
  • Launch the schemacrawler's command : csv

News calculateds fields (in ruby 💎) are added on logstash step :

field pipeline description
sclint-isRGPDColumn logstash-columns.conf Is true if the column's remark (based on field sclint-column-remarks) contains "RGPD" string else false
sclint-linterIdClassName logstash-lints.conf Return the className of field sclint-linterId
sclint-linterIdPackageName logstash-lints.conf Return the package's path of field sclint-linterId

💡 Feel free to create PR or issues for any new ideas of calculateds fields !

📚 Prerequisites


$ git --version
git version
$ docker -v
Docker version 18.09.6, build c89750f8
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192

Database sample

No database on hand? Don't panic, let's go here

Extra documentation

🚀 How to use

Get the project

git clone
cd docker-schemacrawler-reporting

Fantastic Elastic

  • Deploy the Elastic World (in case if we want the all stack on local environnement else use the ek.yml file, without Logstash so)
docker-compose --project-name schemacrawler-elk -f elk.yml up -d
  • ...And that's all 👏 !
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                              NAMES
130787ecd783             "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   About an hour ago   Up 41 minutes       5044/tcp, 9600/tcp                 logstash
9fabc346ce9e        postgres:11.5                                         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 hours ago         Up 35 minutes>5432/tcp             optisee_optisee-postgresql_1
d426d2f30ed7                 "/usr/local/bin/dumb…"   2 days ago          Up 41 minutes>5601/tcp             kibana
9b7106e5b1dd   "/tini -- /usr/local…"   3 days ago          Up 41 minutes>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp   elasticsearch

In your favorite internet browser.

Logstash is watching you

(Only in case of Logstash in 'stand-alone' mode)

  • Update connection informations on config files under the logstash-sa folder

📃 config/logstash.yml :

monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: <elasticSearch url>

📃 pipeline/logstash-*.conf modify for each file : (Based from schemacrawler-additional-command-lints-as-csv)

output {
   elasticsearch {
     hosts => "<elasticSearch url>"
     index => "schemacrawler-tables-stats"
  • Invoke and unleash the Logstash daemon 👿

Let's analyze the database

We use the folder exportcsv 📁 for export/inject the .csv files

Run schemaCrawler

  • Edit the file for fill the connection informations of your database

  • Run it 🚀 !


The docker image mbarre/schemacrawler-additional-lints is used to run schemacrawler everywhere or almost !

Jump in Kibana

Create Index pattern

  • Go to http://localhost:5601
  • Reach the Stack Management via the side left menu
  • In Index Patterns page, click on Create index pattern button
  • Type schemacrawler-* as an index pattern name and click on Next step
  • Select @timestamp as Time field
  • Finally, click on Create index pattern

You are now ready to see the data imported on the Discover page (In the side menu : Kibana/Discover)

Beautifuls Dashboards incoming

It's creativity time! Kibana provide Dashboard and Canvas for visualisations. See some examples

A ready-to-use environment with Vagrant

Don't want to execute docker commands... but try all the stack quickly... This is the solution.

Following tools are installed :

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • portainer (localhost:9000)
  • elasticsearch (localhost:9200)
  • kibana (localhost:5601)
  • logstash
  • schemacrawler
  • postgresql and a demo database


  • Vagrant

Go !

  • vagrant up
  • vagrant shh
  • sh
  • see results in kibana !

🔫 Troubleshooting

... And avoid tears of blood 🩸

No such host on pulling docker images

Got this issue (personnally experimented on Windows 10 at home... And randomly hapenned)? Please see

Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
Pulling repository
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error while pulling image: Get dial tcp: lookup on no such host.
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.

And if it is not enough, set as DNS Server on your Windows' network card directly...

🔗 Usefuls links


Use schemacrawler on docker environment


Language:Shell 75.2%Language:Dockerfile 24.8%