mbargull / ikim-website


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the web site for the Institute for AI in medicine at the University hospital Essen.


⚠️ Make sure you are on the main-branch


💁 what you see in the online preview is likely not what you get

💤 changes will take a few mins to take effect. Monitor progress at actions tab


Manage Team members

Members of a group are defined in <group-acronym>.yml at /_data/people.

Example entry:

- name: Hilde Muster
  roles: ['shk']
  img: hilde-muster.png

Add Member

Add a new entry to the end of the file. See the example above or existing entries for proper format.

Mandatory fields:

  • name - first and last name
  • roles - must be a list, even if it only has a single entry. The first entry must be the position in the group. Possible values:
    • shk - student assistant
    • phd - PhD candidate
    • postdoc - Researcher
    • admin - Administration
    • tech - Technical staff
    • head - group leader
      Additional entries in the roles-list are optional, currently only board (for ikim board members) is supported

Optional fields:

  • mail - e-mail address, e.g. Multiple e-mail addresses are possible, must be provided as list, e.g., ['', '']
  • phone - phone nr, e.g. +4920112345
  • title - e.g. Prof. Dr.
  • position-special - more details for tech-staff, e.g. HPC specialist
  • interests - a list of interests, e.g. ['machine learning', 'coffe']
  • img - first, upload an image to /img/people, then provide the filename here, e.g. hilde-muster.jpg

Remove Member

Simply delete the corresponding entry from the file

Modify Member

Edit the entry as needed

Manage Publications

Replace <group-acronym>.bib at /_bibliography with your latest bibtex list of publications relevant to ikim.

Make sure that exclusively either doi or url are set for an entry (not both). If both are available, doi is to prefer. You may use the export options of your favorite reference manager to remove the unnecessary one, e.g. Zotero with Better Bibtex.

Author version pdf

Put the author version pdf at /pdf and use the bibtex citation-key as filename (e.g. nautaUncoveringCorrectingShortcut2022.pdf). The pdf will then be available for download in the publication list.

Add project

Copy and edit an existing file at /projects/_posts or create a new one.

The file name must be in the format Use either the start date of the project or today's date, if the project starts in the future (future dates will not be displayed on the site).

The file contents must start with the front matter:

layout: project
title: "The project page title"
excerpt: Lorem ipsum dolor
tags: diair mml

Make sure to provide an excerpt, i.e., a short text snippet that will be displayed in the list of projects.
Make sure to provide the group acronyms of involved groups in tags, in order for the project to be listed at the corresponding group pages.

Edit pages

Pages mostly adhere to markdown syntax. Group pages are located at /groups, the page about the institute at /, see above for projects. The remaining pages should not need to be edited (ask a dev if needed).


Upload the image to /img. On the page you want to display the image, add:

<img src="{{ "/img/file-name.png" | relative_url }}" alt="alternative text, if the image cannot be displayed (accessibility)" />

Replace file-name.png with the name and ending of your uploaded image.

Add new group

  • Add a new entry to /_data/groups.yml. The name of the group (acronym) must be different from the existing ones. Let's use xyz as an example.
  • Add bibtex list of publications (xyz.bib) to /_bibliography
  • Add xyz.yml to /_data/people (or copy and edit existing). Add members (cf. Manage Team members above).
  • Create group page at /groups (or copy and edit existing). Make sure to set the group acronym in front matter:
layout: group
group: xyz

That's it.


The site is built with jekyll, scholar-plugin and minima theme.

Run locally

  1. Install Ruby
  2. Install Bundler gem install bundler
  3. Checkout repo, install dependencies in the repo with bundle install
  4. Run with bundle exec jekyll serve, the site is accessible at "" (note the trailing /)


Github-pages does not support the scholar plugin. Hence, the site is first built via a github action at /.github/workflows/build.yml from the main branch and uploaded as an artifact. Next the build artificat is deployed to GitHub-Pages via the actions/deploy-pages GitHub-Action.

Theme customization

/assets/main.scss loads the minima theme and customization in /_sass/_ikim.scss


  • Agree on citation key format
  • Supplementary, Git repos, etc. in publication list
  • Filter publication list by group acronym, by group leader may miss a few entries
  • Clean filtering script
  • Add automatic broken link checker
  • Add IKIM on Google maps (add missing place)
  • Add type alumni and non-research group "admin" (for institute but not group staff)
  • Improve Bibtex deduplication (group and research group bibs can contain duplicate entries - e.g. Saber Zerhoudi, Christin Seifert, Jörg Schlötterer, and Michael Granitzer. Evaluating Simulated User Interaction and Search Behaviour. Advances in Information Retrieval. 2022.
  • Create cache (automatically)



License:MIT License


Language:TeX 93.9%Language:HTML 5.2%Language:SCSS 0.8%Language:Ruby 0.1%