The course material, e.g., slides etc. can be found on
The source code in this course is organized in a folder structure that allows to easily build an R package later on.
- document root: project folder: use this for experiments, run scripts etc.
- R: R code in functions, typically one function per file, several helpers can be organized in one file
- inst/app : Folder where the apps live (basically every app has an own folder with a ui.R and server.R file per app)
- man: Automatically generated user manual. Not edited manually, generated by roxygen2.
- DESCRIPTION file (optional, only needed for packages): contains important build information for packages
- NAMESPACE file (optional, only needed for packages): Not edited manually, generated by roxygen2. Controls which functions and classes are exposed to the user of the package
- data: folder that contains data files. If the data is of a proper format, data can included into a package as demo / example data.