mbalus / ios-sdk

Synerise SDK for iOS devices

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Synerise iOS SDK is designed to be simple to develop with, allowing you to easily integrate SyneriseSDK software into your apps. For more info about Synerise visit the Synerise Website

Supported iOS Versions

As Synerise relies on iBeacon support the SDK only performs functionality on iOS 7 (see supported devices Valid Architectures: armv7 armv7s i386 arm64 Minimum iOS Deployment Target: 5.1 Base SDK support: iOS 8


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Step 1: Install the SDK

SyneriseSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SyneriseSDK"

Under your application targets "Build Settings" configuration find the "Other Linker Flags" property and set it to "-ObjC".

You'll need to import the <SyneriseSDK/SyneriseSDK.h> header into the files that contain code relating to Synerise. You can either add them to individual files or include it in your AppName-Prefix.pch file.

#import "<SyneriseSDK/SyneriseSDK.h>"

In your application plist file (often called "Info.plist") add a row for "Required background modes" of type Array. It then needs:

  • "App downloads content in response to push notifications"

To support updates in iOS 8 you need to add the following Cocoa Keys to the plist.

<string>Required for ios 8 compatibilty</string>

#####For iOS 9 only: Whitelist Synerise Servers

If you compile your app with iOS SDK 9.0, you will be affected by App Transport Security. Currently, you will need to whitelist Synerise domains in your app by adding the following to your application's plist:


Step 2: Setup SyneriseSDK

If you haven't done so already, login to Synerise to get your Synerise API Key. Go into the -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of your XXAppDelegate and provide API Key. When your application to to backgorud all events should be flush. Therefore you should add forceFlushEvents in applicationDidEnterBackground:.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Provide API Key for setup SyneriseSDK
    [SNRSyneriseManager provideAPIKey:@"<your api key>"];

    // Optional you can turn on debugging mode
    [SNRSyneriseManager debugModeEnabled:YES];

    return YES;

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
    [[SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance] forceFlushEvents];

Step 3: Track events

Using SyneriseTracker is the way how you tell Synerise about which actions your users are performing inside your app. You can track custom events or screen activity by two separate methods.

SNRTrackerManager *syneriseTracker = [SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance];

// #1. You can track application screen view with params. 
[syneriseTracker trackScreen:@"ProductViewScreen" withParams:@{
    @"Category": @"Sport",
    @"Brand": @"Noname",

// #2. Traking custom event like form submit, buttons tap, purchased item etc.
[syneriseTracker trackEvent:@"AddToFavourites" withParams:@{
    @"ProductName": @"iPhone 6",
    @"ProductCategory": @"Smartphones"

Step 4: Identify Users

SyneriseSDK has own build in session manager, which take care about unique user identity. You can provide tracker with custom client data. Basic call of this might look like:

[[SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance] client:@{@"email": @"",

You should know that Synerise has it own predefined Client model which is build with parameters:

  • email
  • firstname
  • secondname
  • adress
  • city
  • region
  • phone
  • sex
  • birthday

That mean you can overwrite user profile with parameters send by tracker. Of course you can also add more client data but they would be dipatch as custom fields tide to your Customer profile.

If you want using your own identity for user application call -customIdentify:. It might look like:

[[SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance] customIdentify:@"<custom clientID>"];

After that all events generated in application will be signed in this identity.

Step 5: Log customer location (optional)

Use information from the CLLocationManager to specify the location of the Customer session.

    CLLocationManager *locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
    [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
    CLLocation *location = locationManager.location;
    [[SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance] setLatitude:location.coordinate.latitude

Now you can target campaign by customer location. You can send them email, sms or push messages.

Push Messages

Go to Login and setup your accout to connection with APN. Go to Settings -> Integration and upload pem certificate for APN. Now you can define your first Push Message campaign.

SyneriseSDK has own Push Meassage handle API. Using SNRPushNotificationManagerDelegate you can dipatch push message in your own way. In Synerise push messages might be triggered by:

  • iBeacon
  • sheduled campaign
  • in one to one communication
  • autmation rule

In your mobile appliaction configure AppDelegate file.

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)deviceToken
    [[SNRPushNotificationManager sharedInstance] setDeviceToken:deviceToken];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
    [[SNRPushNotificationManager sharedInstance] receiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:userInfo

Now you can handle push messages. In this case use SNRPushNotificationManagerDelegate.

@interface ViewController () <SNRPushNotificationManagerDelegate>

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [[SRPushNotificationManager sharedInstance] registerToReceivePushNotification];
    [[SRPushNotificationManager sharedInstance] setDelegate:self];

#pragma - mark SNRPushNotificationManagerDelegate
-(void)pushNotificationHandleResult:(id)result andFetchType:(FetchedResultsType)fetchType {
    if(fetchType == FetchedResultsAsImage){
        NSLog(@"URL to image: %@", result);
    if(fetchType == FetchedResultsAsURL){
        NSLog(@"URL to website: %@", result);
    if(fetchType == FetchedResultsAsPromotionScreen){
        NSLog(@"Open promotion screen: %@", result);
    if(fetchType == FetchedResultsAsText){
        NSLog(@"Plain text: %@", result);


Synerise and iBeacon

Use SNRBeaconManager for hendle iBeacon interaction and add delegate SNRBeaconManagerDelegate to your class. It should look like the following:

@interface AppDelegate () <SNRBeaconManagerDelegate>

@property SNRBeaconManager *beaconManager;


@implementation AppDelegate

- (id)init {
    self = [super init];
    if (self){
        _beaconManager = [SNRBeaconManager new];
        _beaconManager.delegate = self;
    return self;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // 1. Setup API Key
    [SNRSyneriseManager provideAPIKey:@"<#Synerise API Key#>"];
    [SNRSyneriseManager debugModeEnabled:YES];

    // 2. Start monitor your iBeacon regions
    SNRRegion *region = [[SNRRegion alloc] initWithUUID:@"<#UUID#>"];
    [_beaconManager addRegions:@[region]];
    [_beaconManager startMonitoring];
    return YES;

Use SNRPushNotificationManager described above in order to deliver targeting messages.

Custom flow for iBeacon

If you wish implement custom flow for iBeacon based on primary iOS SDK and CoreLocation you can use only createBeaconEventWithUUID for traking activity triggered by iBeacon.

-(void) clientEnterRegion{
    SNRTrackerManager *syneriseTracker = [SNRTrackerManager sharedInstance];
    [syneriseTracker createBeaconEventWithUUID:@"942c21a6-e50c-49c8-acf6-2250198b17d1"


Synerise, If you need support please feel free and contact us.


SyneriseSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Synerise SDK for iOS devices

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 99.2%Language:Ruby 0.8%